Chapter Twenty-Three

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"You're wrong. Santa and his elves live in Hawaii," I replied.

"You're both yanking our chains, aren't you?" Teresa spoke up after a forty second silence.

Louis started cracking up, and I tried my best to cover up my laugh with my hand.

"Yanking our chains? I've never heard that used in real life before," I said.

We drifted off into silence, although Talia quickly salvaged us from thinking about Abraham Lincoln.. As she started rambling off about some new 1D merchandise and how it was her absolutely favorite thing of all time. I didn't quite understand.

Although, when do I ever understand anything?


Fifteen minutes after we had reached our destination, I was being submerged into the freezing cold water by a male hand. And considering the only male that would do that was Louis, I was furious. Kind of. Talia and Teresa were muttering over and over again how they couldn't believe they were the only ones at a water park and that Louis Tomlinson was with them. Wow. Dream come true.

Just as Louis pushed me into the water, they turned on the wave machine. It resembled an ocean, and waves started pelting us repeatedly. No complaints from my lips though, despite what some might say, I adored waterparks. And this was quite possibly the most exciting group date there had been.

"You doing okay-"

A wave cut off Louis mid-sentence, as it crashed into him. A few seconds later, he emerged from the water spluttering and cursing. 

I couldn't help the laughter that bubbled out of my lips. "No, I believe the question is.. Are you doing okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, peachy-keen.." He coughed out.

"Oh my gosh! How could you laugh? What if he had died? Oh no, thank you for living, Louis!" Talia wrapped her arms around him and started squeezing tightly.

"You're going to actually kill him if you continue to squeeze his guts out. Also, beware. Wave." The last word fell from my lips just before I ducked under the crystal water.

I forced my eyes shut, feeling my hair floating up to the top of the surface. I curled myself into a small ball and I felt the wave whoosh over me. I then pushed off the bottom and burst back up.

"I think I'm done with getting abused by waves. What about the Cliffhanger? Let's go on the Cliffhanger! Come along, then!" Louis started swimming towards the ladder half-submerged in the water, not waiting for our confirmation.

Take Me As I Am (Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz