Chapter 2 : Right After

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Jungkook could remember that day clearly — that day that he first met her. It was during their junior high days when he was sent to compete for a solo hip-hop dance contest. You know what amused him? Seeing a girl with oversized black and gray clothes feeding a cat.

The girl sensed someone was staring at her. And so, she turned her head, catching him looking. Jungkook wasn't even fazed and continued looking at her. She squinted her eyes at him, slowly standing up as she rested her palms on her waist.

She was about a few inches taller than him, slim, and seemed to be pretty cool and nice.

At least, when he first saw her, she seemed to be.

"What are you looking at?" she spat out.

Jungkook hated the way she asked that — he found her rude. So much for first impressions.

"You," Jungkook casually replied. "Obviously."

"You're weird," she tells him.

Jungkook simply shook his head and looked ahead. He actually wanted to become friends with her, noticing that she was the only girl competing for the solo hip-hop category. He thought that having a female friend, especially from another school, wouldn't hurt. If she was from his school, he was certain that he'd get teased.

"Which school are you from?" she asks him.

Jungkook glanced back at her, but this time, with his brows furrowing. Is she trying to be friends with me? he thought. She seemed to grow all shy after realising how rude she sounded. Jungkook cleared his throat, coolly showing her his ID.

The girl seemed to halt, pursing her lips. She then gulped and nodded. "Oh," was all she can say.

Jungkook contemplated whether he should ask her what the matter was. She seemed to be taken aback — was there something bad about his school that he was unaware about?

"Nice to meet you, Jeon Jungkook-ssi." She also showed her ID.

Lalisa Manoban, it read.

However, Jungkook's shoulders deflated upon seeing which school she was from — of all schools, it had to be from their number one rival. He slowly looked up to her, seeing her uncomfortable expression. However, this changed almost immediately when she shoved her ID back in her back pocket.

"Let's do well later at the competition." She extended her arm, offering a handshake.

Jungkook started to smirk, as if this competitive side of him ignited. Was she making fun of him inwardly? He wasn't so sure, he may even be taking it the wrong way. But, there's one thing he's certain of — he needs to win.

It's been five years since their school last won first place in the solo hip-hop category.

Inhaling deeply, he grabbed her hand and they both did a handshake. "May the best dancer win."

Lalisa's facial expressions tightened. Jungkook knew what was going on inside her head that time — that she also needed to win. Both of them hated losing.

"Right." She gripped onto his hand tighter. "May the best dancer win."


Roseanne was hiding, and Lalisa was already searching for her.

Right after classes, avoiding Jungkook almost all day, she needed to know how the hell the wrong Jungkook got her letter.

Just as she was still looking for Roseanne, she felt a hand grab a hold of her arm. Forehead creasing, she turned around, seemingly perplexed and irritated.

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