"Are you going to get time to go home and change?" He asks as we pull into Harry's driveway.

"I hope so, I don't want to go like this." I point to my black pencil skirt and peach blouse that's tucked into the skirt.

"You look beautiful."

"I mean you look fine." Jake corrects. I look away so he can't see my cheeks turn bright red.

"I'm going to scan the grounds and then meet you inside." He parks his car.

"Okay." I unbuckle my seatbelt. We both get out of his car, he walks me to the front door, before he starts scanning the grounds. I enter Harry's house and I'm welcomed with shouting from the kitchen.

"Harry can't know about this."

"NO! He will call off the wedding." Candice shouts. I walk closer to her voice, intrigued.

"He can't know I lost the baby-no, I told the doctor not to call anyone but me." Candice lost the baby? When?

"I told her I didn't need to stay at the hospital today, I just have to take it easy-I'm going to a hotel for the weekend-no I'm going to tell him I got called away for work."

"I'll figure it out-I'm going to have to call you later." She turns around and sees me.

"How much did you hear?" She asks quietly.


"I swear to god if you tell Harry anything I will ruin you." She snarls.

"Excuse me?" I'm shocked.

"If you tell him anything I will ruin your career, so you will only be able to work at McDonalds the rest of your pathetic life." She steps closer to me. What power does she have to ruin my career?

"I'll also tell him that you caused me to lose the baby-I'll make up such a convincing story-"

"What?" I squeal.

"You heard me. He will hate you and no one will hire you." she snarls. I totally believe that she would convince him that I caused the miscarriage.

"Why wouldn't you tell him that you lost the baby?" I'm confused as to why she wouldn't tell him.

"That's none of your business. I swear to god if you tell him-" She trails off.

"Eva?" Jake's voice booms through the house.

"Keep your mouth shut." She narrows her eyes at me before she walks around me and moves up the back stair case.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jake asks me when he walks into the kitchen.

"Yeah. Everything clear?" I ask.

"Yes." He nods.

"I figured this place would be filled with people running around in a panic." He looks around the empty room.

"Yeah, they should be here shortly." The doorbell rings causing both of us to chuckle softly.

"Told you." I laugh as I move towards the front door. I look through the peep-hole and see it's the decorators, so I open the door and let them in. I tell them where they can work from and they get to work. Shortly after they get to work the next set of people come and before I know it the house is full of people cooking, decorating, and much more.

"I swear to god if you tell him anything." Candice walks down the stairs and over to me with a suitcase wheeling behind her. She looks pale and well-sad.

"This is a big secret to keep from him."

"I don't care-it's not your secret to tell." She snarls.

My Complicated Life! (AU Harry Styles Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now