Chapter 2: How it all Began

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2 years ago...
Part 1
Olivia's POV
I woke this morning, the sound of my alarm ringing through my ears.
Monday, yay!
School was today and I was not looking forward to it. It was another day where we just sat aimlessly in a classroom and learned about how to do Algebra, or learned about the Second World War or I don't know wrote essays on some random poets that lived 200 years ago. My point is that school is kind off unnecessary unless you wanted to become someone like a lawyer or a doctor. Don't get me wrong, I am really grateful for having an education, but for me, I never really felt the pull. I would like to become a horse rider one day and I don't think that Algebra would help me.

I must have dosed off at some point because my mother came running into my room screaming
"Olivia, why are you not up yet? School is starting in 15 minutes"
I jumped out of my bed and quickly ran into my wardrobe to get my uniform.

Yeah, you heard me, an uniform. You must think that I am another one of those snobby, obnoxious rich girls who love bullying other girls just for fun. No.... I'm the polar opposite. I am that girl that blends in with everyone else with nothing special. To put it nicely, I am bland. I have no real close friends, because let's be real, friends come and go and there is no point in investing in a friendship when you already have a loving family and a sister who really understands you and many friendships turn out to be toxic and backstabbing. Yes, I may be rich, but that doesn't mean that I am automatically one of the popular kids. No, I'm a loner. An outcast that gets targeted all the time.

Just in case you were wondering, my name is Olivia Ramirez and I am your typically girl with brown hair, hazel eyes, 5'6 with freckles. I am 17 and I live in Cedardale, my hometown where I was born and raised. My mum and dad are both business owners of large software companies.

As you can tell, school isn't my thing and I have countlessly thought of dropping out but I didn't want to disappoint my parents. My real passion is horse riding. My parents own a ranch down the state and once a month, we would go there to have a mini vacation.

This day started like any other but boy, if I knew what was to come my way ,I would have laughed at your face.
Anyway, I got dressed into my uniform, pulled my hair up into a high ponytail, put on some concealer and ran out the door. I didn't have time for breakfast because I was already running very late for class. My school is about a 10 minute walk from my house and if I ran, it would take my 5 minutes tops. And that's what I did.

I arrived just before the bell rang for the start of the school day. I quickly found my homeroom and walked inside. Everyone was staring at me, and it made me cringe on the inside. I dropped my head and walked to the back of the classroom, where my seat was waiting for me. I plopped down onto my chair and just sat there while Mr. Meyer called out the attendance.

When he was about halfway down, someone came through the door. Someone new.

It was a boy. And a very good looking one if I may add. The first thing I noticed about him was that he had a dazzling smile and this was considering I was sitting at the back of the classroom.

Then he spoke " Sorry I'm late, it's my first day here." His voice was very deep with a sense of sarcasm. I noticed that all the girls in my class were swooning over him. And when he sat down beside me, I understood why. He had a very defined jaw with a cleft chin. He had brown chestnut hair that was piled on top of his head stylishly. He had bluebell eyes, which you could get lost in.

He turned to me and introduced himself
"Hey, the names Aaron"

Aaron....... that was a name I would regret even knowing. But at the time, I had no idea.

I turned away and blushed. No boy has ever caught my attention until him. Just then I noticed Angela from the corner of my eye. She sniggered and went "Oh, look little loner seems to have a little crush" The whole class burst into giggles. Aaron however didn't look happy.

Mr. Meyer then told us that he has to head back to his car because he forgot to get his lesson planner.

Angela seized the opportunity and once he was out of the classroom, she then got up from her desk and sashayed over on her stilettos to my desk. She then whispered to Aaron "If I were you, I would change seats because you don't have to be sitting next to her, trust me!" She batted her eyelashes at him.

He however took no notice of her and rolled his eyes. I couldn't contain the snigger. And I knew it was a mistake. Angela quickly turned around, grabbed a jar full of paint from the shelf, and dumped it over me.

I was honestly embarrassed. But also, a feeling that was very unfamiliar to me arose, from deep inside me. Was it anger? I don't know. I got up from the chair, and quickly stomped out of the classroom angry, and made my way to the bathroom. I was fuming. How dare she? Who does she think she is?
It was then when I understood that I could no longer let her push me around. I gritted my teeth and turned around, heading back towards the classroom.

To be continued.....

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