Chapter 2: Build-up

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Your POV

"What is all of this?" Brad says while motioning to a large board I had filled up with a map with pictures of different demons, connected to different areas.
"This is what demon controls what part of hell." I say while admiring my handiwork.
"I deduced that already, but why? Why would you put all of this together?" He says while scratching his head.
"Simple, I am going to take over some territories. I'll think the first territory I'll take over will be this area." I say nonchalantly while pointing to Valentino's area.
"Are you crazy?" Brad yells in anger while grabbing me by my collar
"Valentino ? One of the OVERLORDS, the most POWERFUL demons in HELL. You want to mess with THEM? Are you trying to get us killed!" He says.
"First off, personal space. Second of all, yeah. Every gang boss thinks they're hot shit until they get a bullet in the head." I say while almost slipping on a piece of paper.
"That is not going to work. Normal weaponry have almost no effect since they have can stop weapons coming their way. You need Exterminator weapons to put them down for good but those that are here are already in the possession of the Overlords. Besides, you are a human against the most powerful demons, you can't do much." He says.
"Oh, I do have 2 hidden aces. You remember this?" I say while grabbing a briefcase.
"Yeah, we stole it from Vox but we couldn't open it. What about it?" He says while looking at it with a raised eyebrow.
"Watch." I say before opening it and showing the content.
"What. The. Hell." He says with wide eyes.

In the briefcase lays a revolver. It appearance contained a few crosses drawn on it but the most noticeable things were the golden lever and the rosary wrapped around it.

 It appearance contained a few crosses drawn on it but the most noticeable things were the golden lever and the rosary wrapped around it

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"I am feeling uneasy about that thing so I'll just stand over here." He says while moving backwards.
"As you can see, this pretty thing can get the job done. If the needs arises, I have my second ace in the hole to ensure my safety." I say while hiding the gun in my jacket.
"But dealing with Valentino will come later. For now, I need a constant cash flow and a base of operations. Is there someone who is selling buildings, preferably a nightclub?" I say.
"Yeah, search for Hell Foreclosures. A lot of nightclubs are up for sale since Valentino rules the industry with an iron fist and puts everybody else out of business with every method available. Extortion, blackmail, murder, everything goes." He says while sitting down on the couch.
"Let him try, I have dealt with such types a lot back on earth." I say while searching for the foreclosure site.

I open the website and get sent to a website that looks suspiciously a lot like Maze Bank Foreclosures, the only differences being the primary color being red with a pentagram as their symbol.
I search for a nightclub, resulting in a lot of hits. I look over each one before rejecting them. Some were either too small, too dirty or simply too expensive. Then I see one that has the perfect size while also being not too expensive. I contact the seller and make an appointment to meet for a visit.

"I am going to visit the property, you wanna come?" I ask.
"Nah man, I'll stay here. Take my car if you want." He says before throwing me a set of keys.

Hellish crime Lord (Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss x gta online reader)Where stories live. Discover now