Chapter 1

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"You know, there's something unfair about Naru leaving you in charge of his office." Mai observed as I stepped outside after Dhuhr.

"No, not really. He drowns himself in cologne and the stink gets everywhere. It's gross." I grimaced as I sniffed my beige knitted sweater. "Ack."

"Naru's office." She said wistfully, staring at the closed door as if she could Will to open only for her. "I'm not allowed inside without permission."

I shrugged. There was no reasoning with her when it came to her beloved Naru-chan. "Sure." I grunted, flopping down on a chair with a cup of tea.

Ring! The bell jingled as the door swung open. "Hello..." A woman said cautiously. I didn't look up. At the moment, my tea was the only thing that mattered.

Mai was on her feet in a flash, a smile pasted her face. "Please come in. May I help you?"

I glanced up in time to see the woman grin, lighting up her beautiful face. Her pale pink cardigan brought out the rosy glow in her otherwise brunette hair. "I have a meeting today with someone in the office."

Mai's smile fell away. "Uh...I'm sorry, most everyone's out right now." She began shuffling through the papers in front of her.

"Yikes..." The woman thought for a second. "Well, Lin here?"

I perked up at that. Aside from me and Naru, no one in Japan addressed Lin without honorifics. He wasn't the type of person who evoked that kind of informality, and I could see that thought going through Mai's mind. "Lin...-san is in...uh...pardon me..."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Mori, Madoka Mori. You can call me Madoka."

I let out a strangled cough as I successfully kept from spitting out my mouthful of tea. Madoka. I should've known. She didn't come until later in the series, and that meant....

" Please wait a moment." As she spoke, the door to Lin's office slammed open as he emerged, looking like a vengeful vampire. Mai siezed his sudden appearance gratefully, as intimidating as it was. "Lin-san! If now's a good time..."

Madoka's eyes widened with delight, and she beamed at him as she clasped her hands girlishly. "Lin!" She gushed with enthusiasm that made Mai flinch.

Lin's eye widened. "Madoka?" He breathed before pulling himself together.

"Sorry for surprising you like this." She giggled, not sounding sorry at all. "How are you?"

"I'm good. Why didn't you call ahead?"

Because that wouldn't be fun at all. "I guess this is a bit of a shock. Did I catch you off guard?"

Lo and behold: Lin smiled. It wasn't a hearty grin—thank God, that would've been disturbing—but an uncharacteristically soft and gentle expression, one that brimmed with memories. If I had a camera on hand, I would've taken a picture of it. "You did." He said, not seeming to notice Mai's blush. "But that can't be why you came."

She nodded in agreement. "Is Naru in?"

"" His smile dropped away as he glanced at me, clearly trying to think up an excuse. I widened my eyes at him. "He's on a trip."

Madoka's smile took on a sad air. "I see." She said was silent for a moment. "Then please call him. It's for business."

While Mai made tea, Madoka grinned at me as I took a seat across from her on the couch. "It's good to meet you in person. You're just as Lin described you!" She chirped, not seeing the glance I shot him. "Lovely. Just lovely."

Written on the Walls (self-insert #5)Where stories live. Discover now