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'London girls all fight the same I should have cut my hair and changed my name'

Tanaka nodded along to the song that played off his phone, making sure his earbuds were connected. He was heading home after work (a busy day at that).

'I should have told that girl I'm leaving home when she was shouting down the telephone'

He mouthed the words as he walked, humming during the instrumental parts, using his fingers as mini air drums. Glancing around the side walk he check that it was empty before grinning and jumping around, his invisible guitar shredding the air.

"And when she stares me out, God help me now, light me up and strike me down! Face like London's seen no more..." He smiled wide as he sang, his voice reaching all the way to the end of the street.

If any one saw him they would think he was a kid but to be honest he didn't really care. He jumped around and laughed heartily. He was having fun and no one could stop him, not even Ennoshita.

Well that what he thought at least until he tripped and fell flat on his face with a loud 'smack!' He groaned and rolled over covering his nose. It felt sticky and wet and when he pulled his hand away it was covered with blood.

"Great. Just great."

He shut his eyes and lay there for a second before slowly sitting up, trying his best to not let his bloody nose drip any where. Much to his dismay though it had gotten on his shoes. He grimaced and let out a sigh, an earbud falling out of his left ear.

He kicked a rock on the ground while holding his hand under nose. He hadn't really ever gotten a nose bleed before so he didn't know what to do. Maybe wait until the blood stops coming out? 

'It's so messy, why do people just let it bleed all over the place? What am I even supposed to do?'

As if it was in response to his question something tapped the barista on the shoulder, sending him jumping as he let out a shocked yell.


He looked to see Kiyoko staring at him in confused bewilderment, a tissue in hand. They both froze as they processed what had happened, before Kiyoko tried her best to stifle a snort. Tanaka quickly fixed himself and stood up straight, trying to stand casually.

"Uh-uh Yo-!" He cleared his throat, which was a mistake. He clutched his nose and let out a curse as more blood began to spill from his nose. 

Kiyoko unfroze as well and stepped forward handing him a tissue.

"Here use this to plug you're nose."

Tanaka stared at her in confusion.


"You're supposed to plug your nose to stop the bleeding and you have to make sure you change the tissues every once in a while. My brother did that whenever he got a nosebleed."

Tanaka nodded and took the tissue, slowly leaning his head back. Kiyoko saw this and panicked, quickly pushed his head forward.

"No! Don't tilt your head back! The blood will go down your throat!"

It took a while for the two to stop the man's nose bleed, much to Kiyoko's frustration and Tanaka's embarrassment.

It finally stopped and the two stood there in silence until the former bowed slightly, his face beet red (from the blood or blush Kiyoko wasn't sure, but she was concerned for his blood loss).

"Th-thank you for helping me!"

Kiyoko nodded and glanced at the ground before meeting his blue grey eyes again.


"No problem."

Tanaka tilted his head and scratched at his chin. 

"How come you're all the way over here though? Did you get out of work?"

"I was walking home after finishing my shift at the office."

Tanaka's mouth formed into an 'o' shape and he nodded, deep in thought. He wiped his hands on his jeans as his thoughts formulated.

'I could do it. I could ask her. It's the perfect chance. Don't wimp out. Come on do it! Don't miss your chance!'

He cleared his throat and fiddled with his thumbs before shoving them in his pockets, glancing at her every once in a while.

"Uhm, Shimizu, if it's ok with you, uhm, would you like to, uh, go grab dinner? I want to repay you for helping me not accidentally kill myself..." He let out a nervous chuckle and waited for her answer, heart pounding.

Kiyoko stared at him in response, before giving him a small smile.

"I suppose that would be fine."

The barista in turn stared at her in amazement and blinked, not believing this wasn't a dream.


She nodded and pulled out her phone, texting her brother to let him know she would be home late.

"Where are we going?"

Tanaka stuttered and blushed before hurriedly pulling out his phone.

"Uhm! There's this really good ramen place down by the shopping center. It's one of my favorites and their pork bowls are to die for- but uhm we can go somewhere more nice-"

Kiyoko shook her head.

"It's fine, I really like ramen, we don't need to go anywhere super fancy."

Tanaka internally let out a sigh before nodding his head towards the train station.

"We can, uhm, take the subway there, it's the fastest."

And so they were off.


Kind of a filler chapter but it'll lead up to the next ones. The song used was "London Girls" by Barnes Courtney.

Thanks for reading and have a good day :)

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