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Her voice was soft, although slightly on edge. Slowly she took in his appearance, as he stood there mind still on overload. He was tall, having a good 5 inches over her. His face was stuck in a confused pout as he tried to understand what he just did.

She let out a slight giggle at his confused manner and stared at the buttons on his beanie before finally trying to look him in the eyes.

"You're the barista from Karasuno Café?" She questioned.

His gaze snapped up from the ground to meet hers and he blushed, nodding.

"Uhm yeah! I work there - my name's Ryunosuke Tanaka..." He responded, flashing a nervous grin.

She gave him a polite smile in return. "Nice to meet you, I'm Kiyoko Shimizu."

He stared at her stuttering, before blinking and putting out his hand.

"Oh uh nice to meet you too!"

She returned the favor and shook his hand before shoving hers into her jacket pocket. Ignoring his continuous stare she gathered her things and checked her phone.

'One New Message - Akio Shimizu'

Kiyoko let out a sigh (which was unfortunately interpreted by Tanka as she was upset at him) and opened the message, which was what she expected.

'When are you going to get home? I can't fend off mom and dad for much longer...'

She closed her phone and put it in her coat pocket before turning to Tanaka and giving him a small bow.

"I have to go, it was a pleasure meeting you."

"Ah- wait!"

She stopped and looked at him, one foot turned in the other direction ready to go. He fumbled with his hands before pulling a small piece of paper out of his jeans and stretching it out towards her, the other hand scratching at his beanie.

"Uhm this is a coupon for the café for a free coffee, you should, uh, stop by sometime on Thursday..." He managed to stutter out.

She took the wrinkled coupon and stared at it, before giving him a small smile and turning to head home.

"Thank you."

As she headed home she glanced at the coupon again before letting out a small giggle, a grin setting on her face.

'Just how fast the night changes huh...'


The door opened and closed with a bang, with Kiyoko taking off her shoes and placing them by the doorway.

"I'm back." She called out.

In a matter of seconds a black haired head appeared, followed by a relieved grin.

"Thank the heavens your back."

Kiyoko let out a short laugh at her older brother, Akio.

"How bad is it?" She questioned, setting her things on the counter.

He sighed and scratched at the back out his neck. "Oh you know the usual - just them saying how I've ruined my life by getting married while I'm still at an unstable job."

She gave him a sympathetic smile before punching him on the shoulder.

"It'll be fine they'll get of your back soon enough, just focus on everything else. How is Yua anyways?"

Her brother's face lit up immediately which caused Kiyoko to snort under her breath.

'He can be such a love sick idiot sometimes.'

He let out a loving sigh before pretending to faint. "Oh you know, gorgeous as always. You know the other day she made me a bento and put Oreos in it! She's never done that before. That reminds me of the time-"

Kiyoko nodded and began putting up the food she bought, occasionally listening to her brother's rant of how much he loved his wife. They were adorable, she had to admit, but sometimes he just went a little too overboard.

As she took off her jacket the coupon form earlier fell to the floor, only to be picked up by Akio.

"What's this?"

She glanced at him before grabbing it and shoving it into her wallet.

"A coupon for that coffee shop I was telling you about."

Her brother hummed. "Oh cool where'd you get it from? The magazine?"

She shook her head. "No, one of the workers gave it to me."

Akio's eyes narrowed at his sister simply looked away. His eyes lit up, matching with his devious grin.

"This couldn't possibly be from a handsome barista who's interested in you right?" He teased.

When she didn't answer he threw an arm around her shoulders and pulled her in for a bear hug.

"Our little Kiyo finally got a man!" He shouted in joy.

Kiyoko sighed and shrugged him off, giving him a small glare.

"I do not 'have a man' and he was just being nice ok?" She retorted, purposely leaving out the 'marry me' part. She could only imagine how much he would tease her if he found out she had gotten proposed to today.

Her brother crossed his arms before throwing them up in the air.

"Hmmmmmmm yeah sure, whatever you say."

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