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As the door closed Tanaka let out a huge sigh, dropping to his knees.

'I thought I was gonna puke'

"You know, Ryu dear, you remind me of my husband when we were first married, lovesick."

"Might wanna close your mouth Tanaka."

He turned around pink, flushed and embarrassed. He had forgotten it seems, that he wasn't alone in the little café. Sugawara and Joyce stared right at him, crap-eating grins plastered on their faces.

He scoffed and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Oh shud up will ya?"

The two laughed, and Tanaka eventually joined them with a smile. Despite the embarrassment he was happy. Really happy. One could say he was floating.

'Not only did she come' , He thought, a puppy smile coming to his face, 'she told me to have a good day too! And she helped me wipe stuff off my face...... she's a goddess!!'

He let out another sigh and stared out the window, the sunlight blinding him. It was finally starting to get more bright out, and more people were filling the street, meaning he had a busy morning coming up.

A rag hit the back of his head with a 'thud' and he turned around a scowl on his face, only to be met with Sugawara's intimidating "angel smile".

"I know you're in love and all that good stuff but we still got a shift to work. Now come on you idiot."

Tanaka sighed and trudged over to the counter, hitting shuffle on his phone once again, before pulling out the cups for the incoming customers.

'Have a good day Shimizu'


The door chimed as Kiyoko walked into the sports shop, a weary hand waving at her behind the front desk.

"Heeeeeeeeeey Kiyoko."

Kiyoko let out a snort before passively responding with a "Hey Benjiro."

The brunette lifted his head up from his arms, hair tousled and black circles surrounding his eyes.

"Is it your shift already?"

Kiyoko nodded, pulling out a pack of fruit mochi from her bag.

"I got you these awhile ago but forgot to give them to you. You mentioned you liked the fruit flavors."

Benjiro immediately perked up, hope filling his eyes. He stood up and wandered over to Kiyoko, a hand placed over his heart as he sobbed dramatically.

"Oh Kiyoko I swear you're a life savior. Oh what would I do without you!"

Kiyoko let out a small laugh before setting her things at the desk. She had known Benjiro (or Ben as their manager liked to call him) ever since she had started working at the sports shop. They were currently "interns" but would both eventually move up into managing positions at the center of the company. At least, that's what the current manager said.

Benjiro popped another mochi in his mouth, slowly chewing. Kiyoko let out another snort.

'He looks like a little kid.'

He glanced up at her confused, and tilted his head in question. She waved her hand and took a sip of her coffee.

The intern reminded her so much of a puppy she found it hilarious, but at the same time a major concern for her. The idiot had such a bad sleep schedule and could barely feed himself half of the time. She was pretty sure he would die if he wasn't taken care of.

Coffee (A TanaKiyo Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now