A pit of jealousy bubbled down in her stomach, she quickly turned back to the Goblet, wanting to give Krum a hint but to her dismay, Krum had already left the Hall. She let out an irritated huff as she slammed her back towards the back of her seat, holding an emotionless face.

The bushy-haired girl noticed her girlfriend's irritated state, her eyebrows furrowing together curiously, leaning her head towards the Ravenclaw, "What's wrong, love." she questioned softly, though the Ravenclaw didn't respond.

She frowned at the sight, letting out a sigh before moving closer to the Ravenclaw, she placed her hand onto her thigh, her thumb comfortingly caressing the fabric, "Y/N..What's wrong.."

The Ravenclaw felt her heart flutter at the contact but held her character, "Nothing." she murmured nonchalantly, she knew if she had told Hermione the real reason she would tease continuosly for who knows how long, so she decided to keep it to herself.

The bushy-haired girl narrowed her eyes before reluctantly leaning back to her seat, retracting her hand as she continued to read her book.

The Ravenclaw let out an inaudible whimper at the lost of contact, though when a certain someone entered the Hall, she'd forgotten everything that had just happened.

Angelique had entered the Hall gracefully, most of the boys around the Goblet were gawking at her, though she didn't feel disturbed nor disgusted, instead she returned everybody with sweet smiles as she made her way to the Goblet.

Casually, she dropped her piece of parchment into the flames and turned back. Before she exited the Hall, she glanced over to the group of friends, greeting them with a polite wave and a smile, to which Ron and Caleb quickly returned.

The Ravenclaw snickered at the boy's reaction as she sent Angelique a friendly nod and wave back, oblivious to the fact her girlfriend was sending daggers to the Beauxbaton girl as they watch her leave the hall.

"Angelique's joining the Triwizard Tournament?" Harry questioned curiously to which the Ravenclaw replied with a shrug, "Dunno she didn't mention it, I was talking to her about-"

Instantly, her eyes went wide, the thoughts of her entire conversation at the Library started to sink in, realizing that throughout their entire time at the Library all she did was ramble about her girlfriend, her cheeks started to form a dark pink blush.

Harry eyed the girl skeptically, sending her a puzzled look, "About what?" he asked.The Ravenclaw sent the boy an innocent smile, nervously trying to think of something, "Oh, nothing just books, did you know they had books about other schools in our library?" she lied, quickly changing the topic, she knew if she had told the truth her entire friend group would tease her non stop, so for her own safety she decided yet again to keep it.

Though she hadn't realize the bushy-haired girl's frowned expression as she listened to their entire conversation, she could hear past the Ravenclaw's laugh by her nervousness, a small suspicion started to grow inside of her, though she couldn't help but feel guilty for thinking that Y/N would possibly fall for someone else.


"Now...the moment has arrived.." Dumbledore announced as he dragged out his wand, giving it a great sweeping motion. Instantly, the torches that lined the hall guttered before dying completely, the only light source left was from the blue-white flames emitted from the Goblet.

The Hall's were dead silent, everybody's attention were glued to the Goblet. Suddenly, the flames crackled loudly, turning red before a boom sounded, shooting out a charred bit of parchment that fluttered down from the air onto Dumbledore's hands.

In Love again.... | Hermione X ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz