Chapter 15: The Halloween Party

Start from the beginning

"Woah!" Scorpius said mind blown. After they were done eating it was 7:30, they all headed upstairs to change into the costumes, Melody, Rose and Lily didn't know what Albus, James, Michael, Scorpius and Hugo would be. By 8o'clock they were all back down in the great hall with there costumes. Everyone loved Hugo and Scorpius costumes, they dressed up as lemon and lime!

Albus, James and Michael were very lazy and just so happened to be the very last people to pick a costume so they were left with 3 pumpkin shirts

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Albus, James and Michael were very lazy and just so happened to be the very last people to pick a costume so they were left with 3 pumpkin shirts.

Albus, James and Michael were very lazy and just so happened to be the very last people to pick a costume so they were left with 3 pumpkin shirts

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Everyone agreed that Melody, Lily and Rose's costumes were the best ones, probably because they were one of the first ones to pick costumes. The Golden girls had dressed as the muggle candy M&M's.

"Cool costumes!" Rose exclaimed, before anyone else could say anything McGonagall announced "Okay! thank you all for joining me on this wonderful and spooky day! there is candy hidden all around the castle except for the 7th floor and the forbidde...

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"Cool costumes!" Rose exclaimed, before anyone else could say anything McGonagall announced "Okay! thank you all for joining me on this wonderful and spooky day! there is candy hidden all around the castle except for the 7th floor and the forbidden forest, you may go outside to look for candy but please remember, you are all leaving tomorrow because of Hogwarts expansion week so please make sure to pack your things up tonight if you have not already! has everyone got that?" everyone nodded "Okay! 3...2...1... GO!" McGonagall screamed as everyone ran out of the great hall.

Hugo, Scorpius, James, Albus, Michael, Melody, Rose, Lily quickly decided to start at the 6th floor and make there way down, but unfortunately for them Snide and his little side kicks, Zane and Thor, along with his older sister Rebecca-elm. Snide took one look at them and started casting Levicorpus, a spell that levitates a target by ankle, it hit Melody and she was now dangling from the roof. "You! Rebecca-elm,  you taught him that! it's a spell you learn in 3rd year not 1st"James yelled very angrily "Liberacorpus" Albus whispered quietly and lowered Melody from the roof, Melody ran over to him then whispered "How'd you know that spell?" "I'm Harry Potters son!, obviously I know it, he taught me it one day at home. James felt something in his pocket, while Snide and his group of dummies looked the other way because of a bat, James quickly pulled out his invisibility cloak and draped it over The Golden Girls and Hugo, then he mouthed to them 'go to the 5th floor then cast a Patronus spell to go to headmistress', The four of them quickly scurried down the stairs to the fifth floor. Rose cast the Patronus spell that Hermione taught her, her Patronus was a Scorpion "Isn't Scorpius Patronus a dove?" Lily asked "Umm... yeah, why are you talking about that now?" Rose replied "Because dove's hang around Rose bushes and Scorpions, Scorpius, it's like you guys were meant to be, not me and Scorpius" Lily whispered back, Rose secretly hoped they were meant to be "Guys, Rose just say we need help on the 7th floor, our friends/ siblings are in trouble, it's with Snide" Melody whispered to them "Okay" Rose whispered. 

The Patronus ran off into the distance, minutes later McGonagall appeared at the 5th floor, the golden girls and Hugo took off the invisibility cloak and the 5 of them headed up to the 5th floor. "What! are you doing" Minerva screamed at Snide, Zane and Thor "Especially YOU Rebecca-elm, you should know better than that, your the head of your house, well you were, that's right, you are no longer head of your house, because I'm making Scarlett, head of Hufflepuff. Now, back to your common room, and 2 weeks of detention in the kitchens" McGonagall screamed loudly as they ran off. "I don't think that the 8 of you should go look for candy tonight, but you can come to my office, I have LOTs of extra candy"

In the head mistress office there was tons of candy, more than any of them expected.

In the head mistress office there was tons of candy, more than any of them expected

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"Woah!" They all said. they hung out the rest of the evening in her office eating candy and telling her about how exited they were to go to Lily's, all of them were going, plus even more. James, Albus, Lily, Michael, Melody, Rose, Hugo, Maya, Kayla, Hannah and Hannah's little brother Ethan  (Katie and Oliver's kids), Lysander and Lorcan (Luna's kids), and Jena and Alison (Neville's kids) "Wow, that's a lot of people".

A/N: All credit is J.K Rowling's except my characters and the plot, this is coming later than expected so, sorry. We are almost at 100 reads so keep reading, next chapter coming soon! -Ginny_Luna

The Golden Girl Trio, Harry Potter Next GenerationWhere stories live. Discover now