Chapter 11: The Fall Dance Party Part One

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It was Wednesday October 10th the Girls were walking back from a Herbology lesson "Autumn Leaves" Rose said as they walked into the Gryffindor common room. Melody glanced a new poster that hung on the cork board "Girls!, come see this" she said walking over to the poster to get a closer look, it read

 Melody glanced a new poster that hung on the cork board "Girls!, come see this" she said walking over to the poster to get a closer look, it read

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Oh" Rose and Melody said sadly "it's only for 3rd years and older", "Wait, Wait, Wait!" Lily screamed "Look at this one" Lily said frantically jumping up and down with excitement while pointing at the other poster. Rose and Melody turned their heads to another poster that read

"Eeeeeeeeeee! we should totally go to Headmasters office to set up the party" Rose screamed "Hmm, What does 'I miss Dumbledore' mean" Lily said quietly to herself "I know! I know!" Rose said jumping up and down "It's the password, its Dumbledore" ...

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Eeeeeeeeeee! we should totally go to Headmasters office to set up the party" Rose screamed "Hmm, What does 'I miss Dumbledore' mean" Lily said quietly to herself "I know! I know!" Rose said jumping up and down "It's the password, its Dumbledore" Rose said quieting down a little "Your a genius Rose!" Lily said "Lets go get Al, Michael cuz they are 2nd years and we can get Scorpius and Hugo, they are first years" Melody said "Okay" Lily agreed. Rose ran up the stairs to the 3rd boys dorm a yelled through the door "Michael, Albus come out! there is a poster we wanted to show you" Michael and Albus came bursting through the door screaming "What is it, what it is" "You guys are acting like baby's, calm down let go down the stars to Melody and Lily" Rose said. They all walked down the stairs, Albus and Melody had not seen each other since the library a couple weeks ago so they were both blushing hard. Lily explained everything to the boys so they knew what was going on then they all yelled "To the Hufflepuff common room!" 

The 5 of them walked out of the Gryffindor common room to the Hufflepuff common room "Fire Foxes" Lily said as they got to the portrait "How did you know that?" Melody asked "Oh... um Scorpius told me" Lily mumbled looking at the ground blushing "Lily and Scorpius sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G" Albus sang, Melody laughed silently "STOP!, both of you" Lily yelled at them and marched off to the number 1 boys dorm to find Scorpius. Rose and Michael went to the 2nd boys dorm to get Hugo and explain everything to him, leaving Melody and Albus alone for the first time in weeks.

In Scorpius dorm: Lily shoved open Scorpius's door and grumpily said "Go down to Melody, Albus and like ten others" "Woah, woah, woah, Lily I am not going to do any of that until you tell me what is wrong, why are you so mad, you can tell me, I'm your friend" Scorpius said. His soothing voice calmed Lily down then she mumbled "abuus kuis trehe, me and yiou" "Lily normal voice, normal voice all I heard was 'You and me'" Scorpius said "Okay, fine Albus sang 'Lily and Scorpius sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G' over and over when we entered your common room" Lily said now blushing so hard her face was red "Oh" Scorpius said also blushing hard "He knows, its not a secret anymore, well it kinda is kinda is not" Lily said "But none of our parents are going to be happy if they know what your brother said" Scorpius replied "I know, lets go down stairs, I'll explain the rest down there" Lily said. They walked down the stairs to Melody and Albus.

In Hugo's Dorm: Rose and Michael walked up the stairs to Hugo's dorm "Hugo! It's Rose come out of your dorm" Rose called. Hugo opened the door and came out of his dorm. Together Rose and Michael explained the whole dance thing and how they were planning the party.

Back in the Hufflepuff common room:  "Okay! do we have everybody?" Melody asked Albus, Rose, Lily, Scorpius, Hugo and Michael, "I think so" They all replied. "Then lets go" Lily said excitedly, taking charge, Everybody followed Lily out of the Hufflepuff common room down the hall and to the gargoyle "Dumbledore" Rose said when they got there, The door swung open.

"Hello, I'm guessing you are first and second years coming to set up your party" McGonagall said "How did you know?!" Scorpius asked surprised  "Well I already had a group of 10 Ravenclaw first years come ask me about the party and I had 7 Slytherin 1st and second years come ask me as well"  McGonagall explained "Oh" Scorpius said "Sooooo! where are we having the party?" Melody asked "Oh, Sorry for not telling you earlier it is going to be on the 7th floor" McGonagall said  "Is Snide and his little gang going to be there?" Rose studently burst out "Oh of course not, what he did to you, just like Harry and Draco but worse, I will not have that kind of arch enemies again, he has detention in Longbottom's office that night and his 2 friends will be staying in there common room" McGonagall said making them all relax a bit,  the 4 others who had not been in the hospital wing at the time Snide had bullied then had all heard about it. "So all you need to do is go to the 7th floor at 6'oclock on the 12th and the party will be set up! dress in fall like clothes because that is the theme, see you all there" McGonagall said leading them all out of her office.

A/N: I know this is already a pretty long chapter so I am making it 2 parts, All copyright goes to J.K Rowling except for the plot and my own characters! - Ginny_Luna

The Golden Girl Trio, Harry Potter Next GenerationHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin