It was totally worth it.

We walked six blocks north to the park, played there for a little bit, and then headed east to Mathias's gym. One of his gyms, anyway. He had ten locations all over the tri-state area. This one was the first, though, and it was crowded.

"Stay close to me while we're inside daddy's gym," I told the twins. "If you get in someone's way you can hurt yourself."

Despite their stubbornness with their language lesson, they were good at following directions most of the time. They stayed right next to me as we went inside. I immediately spotted Mathias on the other side of the big room, walking up and down the rows of machinery.

"So strong, Lee!" he boomed to one man. "Nine minute pace, Phoebe? You are a superstar!" He gave the woman on the treadmill a high-five.

I smiled while watching him. Even though he was now a multi-millionaire, he still insisted on giving his personal touch to his clients. I knew he would keep doing that even if he became a billionaire. That's just who he was.

Mathias caught sight of us across the room. He threw up his hands and came running over to us. He got down on his knees and hugged the twins, one in each arm.

"My dearest!" he said, giving me a kiss. "Have you come to get sweaty? I can watch the little ones if you wish to workout."

"We're just out enjoying the beautiful day," I replied. "Will you be home for dinner?"

He glanced at his watch and scrolled his finger across the screen. "I have several appointments this afternoon. I should be home in time for dinner, but if I am late, do not fret!"

I made myself smile. "I'll see you then." I kissed him on the cheek and frowned as we left the gym.
"What's wrong, mommy?" Christopher asked.

"Nothing's wrong," I said, putting on my happy mom face. "Let's go see your aunt Miranda."

Miranda's condo was only a few blocks from there. The doorman let me in and we took the elevator up to her floor. As soon as she opened the door, we were buffeted with the sound of screaming children.

Instantly, Christopher and Danielle went running inside to join the joyful playing.

Miranda gave me a weary look. "Come to gawk at the zoo?"

"It's not my fault you and Nelson have been popping out kids like a conveyor belt!" I said with a smile. Their first was conceived on their honeymoon in Paris, and they hadn't stopped since then. I couldn't imagine being pregnant for nearly four straight years. The nine months I spent pregnant with the twins was tough enough.

"Sometimes I miss my nanny job," Miranda told me while serving afternoon tea. "At the end of the day I could just... leave! I could go home to peace and quiet!"

"You wouldn't change a thing," I teased.

"Oh, I know. Raising children is so much more fulfilling when they're yours. But sometimes... Connor! What did I tell you about pulling your sister's hair?"

I smiled while she scolded her child on the other side of the room. As much as my twins were a handful, it was good to come over here and get a reminder that I had it easy.

"You excited about tonight?" Miranda asked when she returned.

"I don't know."

"What? Why not?"

"I think the guys forgot."

She snorted. "They wouldn't forget."

"It's not a big deal," I said. "Adam and Braxton have been so busy lately preparing for the Seoul location. And Mathias is opening two new gyms on Long Island. It would totally be fine if they didn't plan anything."

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