Epilogue ♥ | 𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫

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"D'you want to go for a walk with me?" asked Grayson. Sophia was surprised but nodded nevertheless. The last two grades in this school were allowed to leave during break, so it wasn't skipping or anything. 

Grayson pushed back his chair and took Sophia's hand in his, not caring if it caught people's attention. He wanted them to know, he wanted everyone to know. 

As they passed Evie's table, Sophia whispered to them, "Wanna come with?" She didn't want to leave them alone and go without saying anything. They shook their heads, Bella speaking up. 

"No, we have to catch up with some friends, it's been a while." And Evie nodded in agreement. "Have fun though," she added. 

Sophia said a quick 'thank you' and left the building with Grayson. "So, why do you want to go for a walk." Her curiosity got the best of her. 

He looked down at her and smirked. "Can't I want to be alone with you anymore?" he asked rhetorically. She giggled and walked closer to him. He took them to his car and they got in. 

The car ride was cozy with the music playing in the background and she didn't want it to end. He parked at the side of the road and her eyes widened. "You're taking me to your special place?" 

He turned to face her and said in a cheeky yet authentic tone, "Our special place." Her heart fluttered and for the rest of the day she wouldn't be able to get rid of it. He wanted to share his private location with her, the place where he always went to be alone. She was speechless but he knew. 

They stepped out and ambled through the tall, green trees together, hand in hand. Birds were chirping and the sun shone through the clouds. Leaves rustled due to the light breezes of wind, but it wasn't cold enough to actually get goosebumps.  

This time Sophia knew where to go and she went in first, ducking through the narrow tunnel-way. They ended up in the same place as last time, and she still couldn't believe her eyes. The view here was probably the most beautiful thing she'd ever see in her life. 

She turned around and met Grayson's gaze. Okay, second most beautiful thing, she thought to herself. 

"Why'd you take us here?" she asked, not that she minded. This place was a fantasy. 

"I don't know..." It seemed that he wanted to say something else, so Sophia raised her brows. "I need to talk to you. I haven't been completely honest with you." Sophia tensed up. Was he not in love with her anymore? Or was he even ever in love? Assumptions ran through her mind and she held in her breath. 

Grayson noticed and put his hands on her shoulders. "No, no, no. It's got nothing to do with us, Sophia." She relaxed a bit but was still anxious to find out what he was hiding. 

"So," he started, telling Sophia to sit down, "remember when I told you about Cassius getting into a fight at a party and I had to help him?" Sophia cowered at the name but nodded. 

"Well, that part and everything else was true, but I left out some minor details." Sophia had a feeling that these 'minor details' weren't so minor. The reason why I finally couldn't handle him anymore and put him in jail...is because we didn't just lose that guy he had beaten to death. I lost someone else as well." 

Sophia frowned and scooted closer to him, resting her dainty hands on him to calm his breathing. "You don't have to tell me, Grayson. We have time." But he shook his head stubbornly. 

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