(Chapter 10)

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Years later

The spring sun was shining through the kitchen window. The flowers outside were blooming. Everything got a colour. Draco kissed my cheek from behind and I turned around, kissing his.

We had just brought Scorpius and Rachel to the Express. Scorpius was in his last year at Hogwarts and Rachel in her fifth.

We were living in a beautiful little house. The views were immaculate. Sometimes we would just sit outside, around us many flowers, and eat cake or we would watch the moon at night. I just loved it.

Love did exist.

,,I love you, (y/n)." Draco whispered as his hands were still on my waist.

,,I love you too, Draco."

It's short and probably not good, but hope you liked it.

The Memories We SharedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora