Chapter 5

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,,Malf- Draco" I called him as I spotted him in a hallway. He turned around and walked towards me. ,,How was it with- um- Astoria?"

,,Oh, yeah that. I didn't ask her. She's quite boring." He said uninterestedly, not looking in my eyes.

,,Oh, ok." I said and looked at him.


,,I was just wondering since you've asked me for advice just yesterday. Wanted to know wether you figured it out."


,,Oi, mate. Who have you got here." I heard another deep voice. Zabini's hand was placed on Draco's shoulder, shaking Draco slightly as Draco rolled his eyes at him. ,,Ooh" he whistled. ,,You've caught the (y/l/n). Pretty one there. Hello, I'm Blaise." He held his hand out and I shook it.

,,Nice to meet you. But we- we're not-"

,,You're not dating?" He asked in disbelief with exaggeratedly widened eyes. ,,Mate, what's gotten into you? Shoot your shot." He shoved Draco close to me and Draco backed away.

,,Blaise." He warned.

,,Alright, alright. Don't kill me. I still need the answers to that one task in potions from you." He said as he walked backwards.

,,Whatever." Draco whispered.

,,I ship." He shouted as he turned the corner, disappearing right after. A blush crept to my cheeks.

,,You know, that I don't like you, right? Don't get flattered. He likes to joke around is all." Draco said sternly and I scowled. I bumped my shoulder against his as I passed by, whispering ,,idiot" for him to hear.

I really don't know what I'm getting myself into with these feelings I have.

I was sat in the almost empty and dark library. It was night and a storm was outside. I sat right at the window, observing the dark green trees as the strong wind blew against them. I admired it and let myself fall into a deep deep see of thoughts.

,,Hey." I heard someone whisper behind me close to my ear. I turned around after jumping up a little. ,,Oh, I didn't mean to scare you." He put his hand on my shoulder and sat diagonally from me, a novel in his hands, just like me.

The library was dark and grey. The strong wind as well as the rainstorm outside was heard, making it calm to read my book. I was observing the -now diagonally sat from me- boy.

,,Who are you?" I asked timidly in a whisper voice. He had fluffy brown hair, brown eyes.

,,Oh, I'm sorry." He said, his eyes piercing in mine. He held his hand out. ,,I'm Louis Partridge."

,,I'm (y/n) (y/l/n)." I shook his hand. ,,How come I've never seen you before?" I asked and he shrugged, smiling. His smile was immaculate. He looked so perfect.

,,(y/n) (y/l/n)." I heard a loud voice, that ruined the whole calm atmosphere. I looked at the librarian and walked there. ,,Here's the book you wanted." I took my novel and walked back to where I sat. I took my bag and coat and threw it over my shoulder.

,,You read for fun?" I asked him as I looked at the novel he was holding.

,,Yeah." He shrugged. I was amazed. ,,You want me to carry your things for you?" He offered respectfully as he stood up and pointed at the heavy bag on my shoulder.

,,Oh, no, thanks." We walked out of the library and down the empty and silent hallways. We talked and laughed, thus we got a little closer.

,,Oi little boi" he said as I finished telling him a funny story.

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