Never Make A Promise 28

Start from the beginning

"What are you going to do?"

"I- I'll find something!"

"Sure you will," he said, going lower and lower until his hand was placed over my butt. I backed away from him until his hand fell to his side.

"Jerk," I mumbled, grabbing his bag from the trunk. "What do you have in here, anyway?"

"Nothing interesting," he mumbled, fondling with my underwear he seemed to be so fascinated with. I dug through the bag until I found something that brought a huge smug smile to my face.

"Really? Nothing interesting at all?" I asked.

"Nope," he said, popping the 'p'.

"Not even this?" I asked, holding it up. It was a small black leather journal that was hidden inside a pair of socks. He looked up and his eyes widened.

"Hayley, just put the journal down and no one gets hurt," he said, raising his hands.

"Oh, so this IS important?" I grinned. I opened it up and started skimming through the pages. "Hmm, let's's the entry from your first day at school in Aspen. The next page has the next day, and then the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and well...I think you get the point," I said. Wait. He's written in this thing every day since he first came to Aspen. I flipped back to the page that he wrote on when he started school in Aspen.

"Hayley, don't read that," he warned. I got in the car and locked the doors. Lucky for me, his keys were in here with me. He knocked on the window and asked me to let me in, still holding my underwear. I'm not going to lie when I say that I'm curious about this thing. I want to know what Damon has been thinking, because he wasn't really the type to share his thoughts so easily. Not even with me.

Dear Journal,

It's me again. Who the hell else would it be? Today was my first day of school in Aspen and let me just say that it kind of sucks. There was a whole mob of people waiting for me outside when I got there. It was as if they've never seen a new kid before, much less a new kid from California. As soon as the girls saw me, they- as expected- swooned and melted to my feet while most of the guys just glared at me. Some even flat out asked me if they could be my new best friend. I just want to make it clear that I was once again the center of attention due to my incredibly good looks. I made all the girls turn to goo just by looking directly at them, but there was ONE girl I couldn't get through to. Her name is Hayley and she is by far the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. She's absolutely gorgeous. She has long, shiny light brown hair, soft hazel eyes with golden specks, fair skin that looked so soft I just wanted to feel it right along with her hair, and she has the most gorgeous pink lips I've ever seen in all my seventeen years of life. I asked her out, but she turned me down. She actually gives off the impression that I annoy her. And she's the only girl today who gave me that impression. She intrigues me. So from now on, I vow to do anything and everything I can to make her another one of those girls who crumbles under my charm.


I slammed the journal shut, not sure what to think. I intrigued him and he thought I was gorgeous. That was about all he said about me that was good. However, I couldn't get over the fact that his original intention for me was to make me 'another one of those girls'. The ones who 'crumble under his charm'. That's what he had planned for me. That's what he really wanted. And now he had me as his girlfriend. He made me one of those girls who crumbles under his charm. He won. I stared at the journal and didn't even glance over at him through the window. How could I look at him? After what he said in this? Was that what he still wanted? I have had a bad habit of skipping to conclusions before and I didn't want to start that up again. I flipped through the pages until I found the one that he wrote just yesterday. I read through it.

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