Never Make A Promise 21

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Everyone keep in mind that I have NO idea what goes on when you go to see someone in prison. I mean, I watch movies where people go visit people in prison, but the movies I've seen don't show the entire process.

So, therefore, if there is something wrong with how that whole prison visit scene goes then please excuse it because again- I have no idea how that whole thing works. I, luckily, have never had any reason to go visit someone in yeah.

Enjoy peoples!

<3 Nikky~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Damon rushed me out to the parking lot, saying that he would meet me by the car after he checked us out. I found out that he had us under the names Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Collins- love how the lady bought that we were married- and that we were here for a family reunion. I rolled my eyes after he told me and went outside, and guess who I saw. If you're thinking Larry, you're wrong. If you're thinking Jake, you're wrong again. So who did I see? I saw Joyce. Confused and freaked out, I quickly dove into the bushes right by the doors before she saw me. What was she doing here?! She was supposed to be in Chicago! I kept an eye on her, waiting  for her to go inside so I could come back out. She was using her phone right now, calling someo-

"Crap," I whispered, feeling my phone vibrate. Good thing she wasn't in hearing distance. "Hello?"

"Hayley, I'm afraid this trip is going to be longer than I last told you," she said. I looked back at the wall. What? Was she investigating a cold case? She wasn't a cop, she was child service-

"Oh it is, is it?" I asked, seeing Chris walk up behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her head. I aw'd mentally at that.

"Yeah, I'm not sure when the boss is going to let me go back home," she said as she stuck her hand down know what I'm not going to watch this anymore.

"Is there a lot of traveling?" I asked.

"Nope, still in Chicago." Liar. Eh, I wasn't any better.

"Hayley?" Damon called. Crap! If Joyce sees him looking for me, I'm screwed.

"I see," I replied calmly as I let out, grabbed Damon's arm, and yanked him into the bushes with me.

"What the heck?!"

"What was that, Hayley?"

"Uh, that was Jordan. He just fell off his bed. Seth pushed him off," I lied quickly, pointing Joyce out to Damon.

"It hurt," he mumbled.

"Tell Jordan to suck it up," Joyce teased. I smirked.

"She said suck it up," I told him.

"Give me a break, it caught me by surprise."

"Always with the excuses," Joyce laughed. She and Chris started walking toward the hotel. Oh no, I thought. She'll hear me!

"Joyce, I gotta go. The movie's going to start soon."

"I thought you were at Jordan's house."

"We-we are! We have to leave now, it's going to start soon."

"Oh, well I'll let you go then."


"I'll call you later, hon."

"Okay, bye!" I said quickly. I hung up just as they were passing by. After they were inside, I let out a huge sigh of relief.

"That was close," I said.

"Can you explain to me why you yanked me down so hard?"

"Because Joyce would have seen you."

"Right," he said. "Don't do it again. You'll give guys the same wrong idea gave me." He stood up and brushed the leaves off his jeans. I glared at him.

"Yeah, cause that's so what I wanted to do," I said sarcastically.

"I know it's what you wanted to do. I mean, what girl DOESN'T want to?" he smirked. I sighed, got up, brushed my jeans, stepped out of the bushes, and turned back to him.

"Smart ones," I said. Then I turned and started walking to his car.

"You're SO funny," he called after me.

"I know!" I called back.

We drove to the prison, with me shredding a piece of random paper in Damon's car to bits. It lasted about half the trip.

"You know you're lucky I didn't need that," he said, observing the paper mess on my lap.

"Relax, I checked it before I started ripping it," I said struggling to rip a little piece, barely a centimeter long.

"We don't HAVE to go," he told me for the thousandth time. And for the thousandth time, I told him the same thing.

"I have to know."

"If it helps," he sighed.

"It will," I assured him. "I've spent the last seven years not being able to trust anyone. Not being able to let anyone make me a promise because I figure never make a promise, then there is no getting hurt."

"You really believe that, don't you?"

"I have for seven years," I said. He didn't reply and the rest of the trip was the same as the one to the hotel. Silent. We didn't say anything to each other until the institution came into view. I stared at it, trying to think of where my uncle could be. My hands started shaking just thinking about it.

"Hardee Correction Institution," Damon annoucned.

"There it is," I said.

"Last chance to turn back. Are you sure you want to go through with this?" he asked. I thought about it seriously for a minute. It's been seven years since I saw this guy. The last time I did see him, he was pulling a knife out from my mom and cleaning it off. I didn't see him in court and I didn't see him in the police department. Joyce wouldn't let him near me. Then I thought about the seven years that led up to this moment. Never being able to trust people completely, never having a relationship, and never opening up to anyone besides Damon. I sighed when I made my final decision.

"I'm sure," I said. We did drive all the way up here, after all. The least I could do was visit him for five seconds.

"What's your purpose?" the guard at the gates asked.

"Visit," Damon said.

"Who you here to see?"

"Ed Wilders," I said. The guard gave me an odd look, but let us in. We were led to a desk where we were asked to present the guard with an ID and we had to sign a visitors' log. Afterward, the same guard led us back to the visiting room and explained all the rules for visiting the prisoners.

"Do either of you have any sharp objects? Or anything hazardous that could cause harm?" he asked us. Damon and I both checked our pockets.

"I don't really have anything besides my wallet and cell phone," Damon said.

"Same here," I said.

"Good, good," the guard said. He continued to lead us down the hall to the visiting room and as we got closer to it, I could hear the inmates shouting at eachother or the guards. We finally got to the visiting area where there were small booths with the telephones on both sides of the glass. It was completely empty in here.

"Just take a seat at the first booth down there and he'll be escorted out in a moment," the guard said. Damon and I nodded.

"Thank you," I said.

"Forgive me, but I have to know. Are you related to Ed by any chance?"

"Yeah, I'm....I'm his niece," I said.

"Thought you looked familiar. You're his sister's daughter, right?"

"Yes I am."

"I'm very sorry," he said before he left.

"Everyone is," I mumbled to myself while sitting down at the booth the guard told me to sit at. I bit at my nails in an attempt to calm myself down while I waited for my uncle to show up. What would I do? What would I say to him? 'Hey Uncle Ed, how's it hanging?' I started bouncing my knee up and down in addition to biting my nails.

"Calm down," Damon said, grabbing my wrist gently. I stopped bouncing my knee.

"I don't know what to say to him," I admitted.

"I thought you knew what you were going to say," he said.

"I lied. Well, I know that I have a couple questions to ask him, but I don't.....I don't know what to say to him when he comes. I don't wanna just greet him with asking him why he killed my mom and.....just...I don't know," I sighed.

"Just breath and think about it. You'll know what you want to say when he comes in. Remember that I'm going to be right next to you the whole time if you want," he said.

"Okay. Thank you," I said. It calmed me to know that he was going to stay by my side as long as I wanted him to. He held my hand and gave me a reassuring smile, telling me that everything was going to be okay.

"Hayley," he said suddenly.


"There's something that I really want to tell you. I've actually wanted to tell you for a while now," he said seriously.

"What?" I asked, my heart beat picking up speed. Was this it? Don't get me wrong, I want him to tell me how he feels about me, just not in a damn prison!

"I forgot," he said, a smirk appearing. I slapped his shoulder.

"Douche," I muttered. He snickered, but stopped suddenly.

"Hayley," he said, looking behind me. I turned and looked right at him. He looked the same.....well, not the same. He had the same brown hair- it was now a little past his ears instead of the buzz cut he used to have, the same green eyes that my mom had, and the he had some morning shadow. He stared at me with shock as he sat down slowly in his chair and picked up his phone. I picked up the phone on my side and waited for him to start.

"Is it really you?" he asked with that voice that haunted my nightmares. "Is it really you, Hayley?"

"Yeah," I said. "It's me."

"You grew up."

"That's kind of what happens after seven years," I said. He half scoffed and half laughed.

"Yeah, I guess that is what happens," he said. "How have you been?"

"Let's see, um I was adopted right after you were arrested and I've had a little trouble trusting people, especially when it comes to promises."

"That doesn't really sound good."

"What gave you that idea?" I asked sarcastically.

"I suppose you blame me for your trust issues," he said.

"Now don't take all the credit. It's not just you, there's also my dad."

"You still haven't seen you're father?"

"No! And he promised that he would come find me, but he never did. You promised that you would take care of mom and me, but what did you do? You killed her! You hurt me and you hurt her and I've been sitting around for seven years without an answer. Why did you do it?"

"Hayley, there's a lot to explain with that."

"Oh so there was a perfectly good reason as to why you killed her?"

"There was a reason and at the time it seemed like a good one."

"What seemed like a good reason at the time?" I asked. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"I don't think I should really be discussing this with you," he said, looking down.

"That kind of sucks, because we drove all the way out here for answers and that's exactly what I'm going to walk away with."

"Who is this?" he asked, looking at Damon.

"This is Damon," I introduced. "Damon, this is my uncle, Ed."

"Er....nice? To meet you?" Damon said.

"Nice to meet you too, Damon," Ed returned. "He your boyfriend or something?"

"We're just friends," I said. Damon had a pained expression at that, but I couldn't really pay attention to it right now. I needed to know what was going through my uncle's mind.

"Mighty fine weather we've been having," Ed mumbled.

"Stop changing the subject, I'm not going to let it go."

"You still living in Tallahassee?"

"No, I moved because the social worker who adopted me knew that I didn't have any good memories there and wanted to take me away from them."

"Where did you move to?"

"Like I'd tell you."

"Hayely it's not like I'm going to come after you or anything. I'm in here for life, I'm not going anywhere."

"I hear that there are these things that some inmates have.....oh, what's it called? Oh yeah! Connections! You can send one of your prison buddies to do your dirty work for you while you're in here."

"Do you really think I would do that to you? To my own niece?"

"You had no problem doing what you did to your own sister."

"Dammit, it was a mistake! I'm going to regret it for the rest of my life!"

"Why did you do it in the first place?"

"You REALLY aren't going to let that go, are you?"

"Not until you tell me the reason that seemed like such a good one at the time, but now suddenly doesn't."

"You're going to hate me forever and I don't want that to happen."

"It's a little too late for that, don't you think?" I snapped. He sighed.

"Okay, you really want to know why I killed your mom?"

"More than anything right now," I said.

"Fine. Here it is."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AND CLIFF HANGER! Dun, dun, dun! Anyone wondering what that reason was? It was a perfectly logical reason to him- at the time- and like he said it wasn't such a good one anymore.

Bipolar much? Tee hee.

Okay, three days to wait before you guys find out the reason. Let me just tell you that the next part is a HUGE chapter. It's not huge like it's LONG, I mean it's huge like A LOT happens. Wanna know what? TEE HEE, you gotta wait three days. Lol, sorry peoples. If I had time to post the next part right now, I probably would, but I don't have time and I have school tomorrow, so yeah.

Lols, comment and vote please! I love you all!

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