Those pictures..

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Previously: Being with Addison is fine.. I hope.

Addison and I are meeting at my place in 5 minutes.. I'm really nervous that she'll tell Jaden.. I mean I doubt she will but I just don't want anyone except her knowing that I'm still alive..

Addi: I'm here. Explain
Ness: I was shot at.. I ended up getting shot right by my ribs. Now.. I would've been dead if Cody hadn't been there with his friends. The people that like me basically just don't like Jaden.
Addi: Why?
Ness: I'm assuming it's because he wouldn't do a drug deal for them.
If they find out that you or anyone knows I'm alive they will hurt you guys..
Addi: oh.. ok. Then I think we need to cut all ties.. you and I will never speak again, I will never mention you again, and Jaden will never know your alive.

But that's not what I want..

Ness: Ok Addi.. luv you
Addi: bye Nessa

She didn't even say "love you too" or any kind of " I love you... "

*3 hours later*

I still haven't heard back from Cody.. I've been crying for 2 hours, and I need someone to talk to. I downloaded Instagram.. yep.. I'm an idiot.
I logged onto my old Instagram account and my made my way to Jadens.
I notice that all of his pictures with Mads were deleted.. but then I saw the ones of us.
Damnit. I liked one of them.. shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIT!

Jadens POV:
I was scrolling through tiktok at sway when I got an Instagram notification.. Ness Barrett liked your post. (Heading pic)
What the fuck?! This isn't funny! Whoever is messing with me is fucked yo and going to burn in hell for this!

Insta messages
Who is this?! And wtf are you thinking going on Nessa's Instagram account?! Is this some fucking joke to you?!
Seen 9:30 PM

Wtf.. now they leave me in seen.

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