It's Josh.. I think

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Previously: *Party? What party?*

We just dropped the boys off and now Addison, Bryce, and I are on our way to  their house. Am I going to have to sleep on their couch? Do I have a room? Ugh I gotta stop over thinking this.

Addi: Ok, So when we get home you have the guest bedroom. It has a nice dresser, a closet, a window, and a full bathroom.
Ness: Ok, that sounds great! Thank you guys.. again😂
Addi& Bryce: Ofc


Hey, Hunny! How are you doing so far?
I'm doing good! I met Bryce and some of their friend's so that's good I guess.

Ok, text me before you go to bed hunny!
                    I will mom. Love you guys

We love you to hunny!

Addi: Andddd we're here!
Ness: Damn, this place is nice.
Addi: RIGHT?!

After we went inside I found my room and got everything put together. I took a nice shower and got ready into sweats and a bandana to cover myself.

Addi: DAMNNN you look hot
Ness: Haha thanks add-
Bryce: Sorry to interrupt but we gotta get going.
Ness: Oh, where?
Addi: The party!!
Ness: It's only 9:00.
Addi: Yeah we like to throw them before paparazzi shows up.
Ness: I'm confused. Paparazzi?
Addi: Oh, yeah we are going to the sway house.
Ness: Oh, ok.. Bryce aren't you part of the house?
Bryce: Yes.. but when I got with Addi I wanted it to just be us. So I moved out.
Ness: Oh, ok... well I'm not ready for a party 😂
Addi: It's not going to be that big. Just the boys and the girls.
Ness: Oh, Ok
Bryce: But there might be a couple of ransomed there.. they always find a way to sneak in
Ness: Ok. Well should we get going?

*We finally arrived at the sway house.. and when Bryce said "a couple" of extra people I thought he meant that... there were people everywhere!*

Addi: Bryce.. this is A LOT of people
Bryce: I'm sorry I didn't really expect there to be this many people..
Addi: Nessa you ok?
Ness: Yeah, I'm fine..

*I have really bad anxiety in big groups so NO I'm not ok..*

*I walked into the party and ran into some girl.*

Ness: Umm.. Hi
Girl: DO YOU KNOW WHI THAT IS OVER THERE?! *points to josh*
Ness: It's Josh... I think

*God fucking damn it... I need a drink. On my way over to the drinks someone ran into me and spilt there drink down my shirt.. except this time I recognized him...*

A/N: Comment any ideas you have!! Love you all!!!❤️

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