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Jennie cowered in fear behind the couch as her babysitter passed by. She had her hand covering her mouth to keep herself from sobbing too loudly.

"I know you're somewhere, you little bitch." The babysitter yelled out from the second floor.

The young girl attempted to ignore the babysitter's words as she slid out from behind the couch.

She moved quickly and quietly, hiding under a table while she made sure her legs were hidden.

As a distraction, Jennie threw a glass cup. The glass shattered and she heard loud footsteps rushing down the stairs.

"You think you're getting away from me?" The babysitter laughed, walking around the table Jennie was hiding under.

Jennie used all the strength she had left to be silent, she just wanted her parents to come home already.

Couldn't they have done a background check on this babysitter?

Once the babysitter had finally went back upstairs, Jennie came from under the table.

Finding the nearest phone, she dialed for emergency services.

In just a few seconds someone on the other line answered the phone, but Jennie had no time to answer as she heard the babysitter's footsteps again.

She quickly got behind the nearest piece of furniture and cowered once again.

Unfortunately, the babysitter had seen her move behind the furniture.

The babysitter smirked, walking closer to the furniture as she scraped the tip of her bat across the floor.

"Stupid little bitch."

The babysitter grabbed Jennie by the hair and dragged her from behind the piece of furniture.

Jennie let out a wince before her eyes met the babysitter's.

The babysitter shook her head, raising her bat. Jennie braced herself just moments before the babysitter hit her in the head hard enough to knock her out.

"Hello? Are you still there? Do you need an ambulance?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2021 ⏰

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Babysitter's Bloodbath | JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now