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When Kuroo opened his eyes to the sound of his alarm clock going off, he instantly got up to turn it off. Although it was Saturday, he planned on having a busy day, including going to see Kenma.

When he got up, he slipped on his slides at the side of the bed and stretched his arms a bit. He grabbed his phone to send Kenma a quick good morning text. He walked over to go use the bathroom and feed the cat.

Afterwards, he grabbed food for himself and then went to go quickly changed after eating. He wore a casual outfit; jeans, a t-shirt, and converse. He went to go mess with his hair a bit and brush his teeth before heading out.

When he was ready, he grabbed his keys, phone, and wallet and left to go see Kenma.

As he drove to the hospital, he decided it would be a good idea to grab Kenma something to eat. He knew he wasn't too fond of the hospital food. He decided to grab him his favorite food from Mcdonald's, chicken nuggets.

After he pulled in the parking lot at the hospital, Kuroo grabbed everything he needed and checked in. He walked through the familiar hallway, seeing the same familiar faces. As he turned the corner to get to Kenma's room, he instantly got excited to see him.

He softly knocked on the door and entered his room. He greeted Kenma with a smile, holding up the bag of food. When Kenma saw him though, he slightly sighed and turned over to face the other way. Kuroo was confused by this and didn't know what to think, but he walked in anyway.

"Aw, upset today KenKen? Here's your food." He teased Kenma, thinking he was in one of those moods where he didn't feel like talking to or socializing with anyone. Kenma pushed him away with his foot as he walked beside his bed.

"No thank you for the food? Okay then." He halfheartedly laughed and gave Kenma his food.

"No. Go away Kuroo."

Hearing the phrase come out of Kenma's mouth shocked Kuroo. He felt slight disappointed and hurt. Kenma almost never told him to leave, no matter how mad or upset he was. "Kenma.. did something happen?"

"No. Just don't talk to me. Until tomorrow. Leave." He wouldn't look Kuroo in the eyes and just stared at the wall.

Kuroo decided it would be a good idea to just leave and let him be. and didn't want to get him angrier than he might've already been. "Okay. Love you KenKen." He left the food there beside him and turned to leave.

He walked down the hallway, not thinking too much of it. He had other things he was going to do anyway. He wondered why Kenma was so irritated at him all of a sudden, but he didn't give it too much thought. He knew that Kenma was going through some rough times and hadn't gotten much sleep the night before.

As he exited the hospital, he tried to push his thoughts to the side and continue on with his day. He had some things to keep him busy. He was going to meet Bokuto for lunch and then afterwards go pick up something he had been waiting for.

When he left the parking lot, he turned up the radio. He slightly bobbed his head to it and mouthed some of the words as if he was singing it. He drove like that most of the way there.

When he had gotten at the Panera Bread, where they were meeting up, he turned the volume down and cautiously parked in between the cars. When he got out and walked toward the front entrance, he texted Bokuto that he was there.

"Hey hey hey!"

Kuroo was greeted with Bokuto's joyous yell that he always had. "Bokubro!" Kuroo laughed and smiled. They fist bumped each other before starting to walk to the door together.

When they walked in, the restaurant was mostly empty so they got to choose their seats. They sat down at a booth and the server immediately came to get their orders.

"Can I have an iced tea please." Bokuto ordered his drink and waited for the waiter to write down what he wanted. "And you?" She looked at Kuroo and asked him.

"Uh. Water please." After she walked away with their order, he looked and Bokuto and they continued talking.

"Bro. You would never believe what happened. I actually proposed to Akaashi and he said yes." Bokuto smiled the brightest smile and pulled out his phone. "Look at the pictures dude. Everyone was there for us. He was so excited he almost started crying."

Kuroo, not having known the news, covered his mouth in shock. "No way dude. Akaashi really almost cried? I wonder how you got him to do that. He doesn't ever smile or anything." He looked at Bokuto's phone screen, seeing Akaashi smiling a bright, wide smile as Bokuto put the engagement ring on his finger.

They continued to chat for a bit about Bokuto's engagement and his and Akaashi's relationship in general before they had gotten their drinks.

"What would you guys like to eat?" The waiter smiled and held her pen as if she was intently listening, ready to write everything down she needed to know.

"Can I get a grilled cheese." Kuroo ordered first, slightly raising his hand a bit. "With fries."

"Of course! And for you sir?" She turned her full attention to Bokuto this time. "Uh can I just get a chicken noodle soup please? Thanks." Bokuto smiled as he ordered. As usual, he never failed to bring a smile to everyone's face.

"Alright, I'll get your food prepared for you guys." The waiter swiftly walked away, heading to the back kitchen.

As Kuroo and Bokuto waited for their food, they asked each other how life had been treating them. Although they didn't talk much anymore, they were still close as ever. They were both quite busy as adults, but they always seemed to be closer than they were last time, despite their lack of communication.

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