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Sunday morning, Kenma woke up to seeing Kuroo's shoulder in front of him. He groggily opened his eyes and stretched his arms in the air. He slightly sat up to see if Kuroo was awake, and sure enough, he was.

"Good morning my KenKen." He smiled and gave Kenma a kiss on the forehead. "I didn't want to wake you up. You looked so comfortable cuddling my shoulder." He continued to smile as he ruffled Kenma's hair.

Kenma turned over to grab his phone on the nightstand. He then turned back over to rest his head on Kuroo's shoulder while he scrolled through Twitter. Kuroo also grabbed his phone and brushed his fingers through Kenma's hair, meanwhile they both scrolled.

They laid together like that for a few minutes before Kenma finally got up to use the bathroom. At this point, Kuroo had also gotten up to go cook them some breakfast.

The rest of the day afterwards was normal; they mostly laid around all day and watched TV since Sunday was always their "lazy day". It was pretty relaxing for them both to unwind at the end of the week and prepare for the next days of the week. The day passed by pretty quickly and before they knew it the day had already passed.

The next morning, Kenma woke up to an empty house, except for the cat, as per usual. He decided to get up and start a productive day, and stream a bit earlier than usual. He went to go eat breakfast, use the bathroom, get dressed and put his hair up. Then, he walked to his office and started up his computer.

He then loaded in Warzone, and started his stream. It took him a second to get most of his viewers, but after he did, he started the game.

He didn't really have the motivation to stream for a long time. He didn't see the point in continuing to stream if his viewers just became less and less by the day. A few hours later, he dined the stream instead of staying for his usually 6 hours.

After he finished the stream, he sighed in frustration. He took his headset off and stared at the ceiling. He wondered why he had been getting a decrease in views for the past few months. Was it him? Was it the game? Maybe people had been more busy recently.

He continued to think about the whole situation. Maybe the game he was playing could be getting boring. He could try playing Overwatch or Apex Legends instead. He knew Warzone hadn't been as popular as it used to be, so many he could try playing a new shooter game.

Maybe it wasn't the game though. Maybe it was him. Usually his viewers seemed more excited and empathetic to see him, but recently, they hadn't. Maybe it was his attitude toward everything? He hadn't been as motivated to steam since his views started plummeting.

Maybe he should just quit streaming. Maybe he should do something else to provide for him and Kuroo instead of relying on gaming.

Kenma tried to push the thoughts from his mind, but they continued to roll in. Even if he did try to find a different career, what could he do? He didn't know how to do anything else. Gaming was all he knew. And hadn't played volleyball since high school, and he didn't have the energy for that.

His overthinking only continued and made him anxious. What if he could no longer provide for Kuroo? The thoughts racing in his mind made him start to cry a bit, and he sat there alone in silence for a few minutes.

After he got himself to calm down a bit, he went to grab something to eat. He then decided to scroll on TikTok for a bit to relax his mind and think about something else.

Before he knew it, Kuroo was home from work. Kenma set down his phone and went to go welcome Kuroo home.

Kenma walked over to Kuroo and gently hugged him. He sat there for a few seconds and then left to let Kuroo continue doing what he was doing.

Kuroo was able to tell something had been stressing Kenma out. He hurried to put his things away, shower, and change his clothes. Afterwards, he talked to Kenma for a bit about what was going on.

After Kenma explained everything, including his train of thoughts, Kuroo somehow managed to still cheer him up. "Kenma, don't worry. Your fans love you so you shouldn't have to change yourself for them. Just keep doing what you're doing and it'll get better I promise. Don't worry about money. I can take care of us KenKen."

"You know, your birthday is coming soon. Is there anything you want?" Kuroo smiled at Kenma. "No. Can we just go to GameStop or something?" Kuroo ruffled Kenma's hair as he smiled.

After their conversation, they continued their night as normal. Eating dinner, watching TV, and falling asleep while Kenma cuddled Kuroo.

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