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Wednesday morning, Kenma woke up at his usual time. He continued to do his normal morning routine when he woke up as usual. He laid there for a second, and then turned over to grab his phone.

He opened his messages with Kuroo to see a text from him. "Good morning KenKen. Can u please stop by the store today? I didn't want to wake u up and ask u. Love you"

Kenma sighed and responded with a simple "k". He then got up and went to go use the bathroom. He wanted to try and go to the store as early as possibly so he could start his stream at his normal time.

He then ate some waffles he put in the toaster and had his morning coffee. Afterward, Kenma walked back to his room to grab something to wear.

He shuffled through his closet and eventually decided on a red hoodie with dark grey jeans and red vans. He changed into the outfit he chose and then went to the bathroom to put his hair in a loose bun as he usually did for his streams. He left out some of the back and front pieces, only actually tying about half of it up.

Afterward, he grabbed his phone, keys and wallet and then went to leave the house. He set their alarm system and then closed and locked the front door.

After he locked up everything, he walked to his car and unlocked it. He opened the door and stepped inside. Kenma placed his phone and wallet down next to him and inserted the keys in the door as he closed the door.

He put on his seatbelt and turned the radio up a bit to his usual playlist. He sat in the car for a few minutes on his phone, ordering his usual Starbucks order online. He then made sure he had his wallet and everything he needed inside it before pulled out of the driveway.

Other than the music he had playing, he drove in silence to Starbucks. Every so often, he would hum along a bit to some of his favorite songs, but other than that, he focused on driving.

After he got to Starbucks, he pulled in the parking lot and found a stall to park in. He turned the car off and grabbed his keys, phone and wallet. He put them all in his pockets and then opened the car door. The instant he stepped out, he felt slightly uncomfortable because he wasn't with Kuroo like usual.

Despite the odd feeling, he continued to exit his car and walk into the Starbucks. He walked up to the counter and had a short conversation with the barista and went to go claim his order.

"Hi! Would you like to order, or did you already do yours online?" The lady at the counter smiled and greeted Kenma.

"No, I ordered online. It's for Kenma." He could slightly feel his voice shake and spoke softly to the lady. "Of course! Here you go, have a nice day." She smiled and handed him his coffee. She then left to go greet the next customer.

Kenma grabbed his coffee along with a straw and then walked out as quickly as he could. He felt uncomfortable and weird without Kuroo there to do the talking and order his things for him. "I can't always rely on Kuroo" he thought to himself.

He got in his car and set the cup in his cup holder. He then once again inserted the keys into their slot and started the car.

As he pulled out of the parking lot, Kenma could feel the uneasiness and anxiety rising. He took a sip of his coffee and turned the radio down a bit so he could feel more aware of his surroundings and make himself comfortable.

Eventually, he had the radio down all the way and drove in silence. He knew that the caffeine wasn't a good idea, considering how he was feeling at the moment, but he continued to drink his coffee since he already paid for it.

When he got to the grocery store, he found a parking spot and claimed it. He then sat there in his car for a second, making a quick list in his mind of what they needed.

When he was ready, he opened the door and exited the car. The rush of fresh air instantly made him feel a bit better, but he was still uncomfortable and a bit anxious. He wished Kuroo was with him so he didn't feel alone and helpless.

He made sure he had everything in his pockets and then started walking across the parking lot. It took him a few minutes, but eventually, he made it to the front entrance and grabbed a shopping cart.

When he walked inside, the amount of people instantly made his regret sink in. He could feel the anxiety building up inside him, but he continued to go in. He didn't want to let Kuroo down and have to tell him he couldn't go. He had to figure out how to do things on his own when he couldn't be with Kuroo.

One Last Time حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن