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Around 2 in the afternoon, Kenma went to go stream. He warmed up and practiced for a few minutes, and then went online. He greeted his followers and got into the game shortly after.

He mainly streamed 3 games. Either Minecraft, Warzone, or Ark. Of course, he played a lot of other games, but he usually didn't stream them. Sometimes on his YouTube channel, he would record a video that he would have Kuroo edit and post on the weekend. He did one of those every other week. He also would post his streams on there too, in case anyone decided to watch them later.

Today he was playing Minecraft by himself. He was going to work on building his greenhouse from where he left off of last time, and answer questions he saw in the chat on the other monitor.

About an hour and a half into the stream, Hinata decided to join Kenma on his stream and play Minecraft. They started playing Bedwars together and won a few games.

Another 30 minutes later, Kuroo finally came home. He unlocked the door and set a few grocery bags on the floor. The cat greeted him by going to rub up against Kuroo's

Kuroo picked up the cat and walked to Kenma's office where he streamed. He knocked on the door, cat in hand. Kenma didn't seem to hear him open the door and he was happily streaming with Hinata.

"Shoyo, I'm gonna build around the bed." Kenma clicked away at his keys, all his focus on the game. He continued to talk a bit to his viewers while Kuroo stood behind him, smiling.

Everyone in the chat got excited, knowing Kuroo was his boyfriend. Kenma didn't see the chat, but everyone started sending more and more messages. Kuroo then moved Kenma's hair and headset out of the way and kissed him along his temple. Kenma looked at Kuroo, smiling. He gave him a quick hug and took the cat from him and continued to play Minecraft with the cat in his lap.

Kuroo then left go to put the groceries away. He got Kenma some snacks for when he's gaming, and also bought some other essential things. He grabbed some pocky from the bag and went to go give it to Kenma along with a glass of milk.

After setting it on his desk, Kuroo left and went to go start making ramen for dinner.

Around 5, Kuroo finished dinner and made him and Kenma a plate. He set out their food and then sat down. Perfectly timed, Kenma walked out from down the hall into the kitchen. He was rubbing his eyes, slightly tired from streaming.

Kenma fed the cat his dinner and then sat down at his spot to eat. Although he hadn't eaten much all day, he didn't have much of an appetite. Sure, he was hungry, but he just didn't feel like eating.

"What's wrong, Kenma?" Kuroo could tell something was wrong with Kenma. He had never been much of an eater, but today he was mostly just pushing his food around with a fork. He'd actually been doing that a lot more recently, but usually he would at least eat a little bit.

Kenma just sighed and shook his head. Kuroo knew this meant that he either didn't know or didn't want to talk about it. He continued to eat his food and glanced at Kenma every few seconds.

Kenma had only eaten a few bites before he got up to put his bowl away. "Did you not like it? I can make you something else if you want." Kuroo watched Kenma walk to the sink to wash his bowl. Kenma just shook his head and went to sit back down and wait for Kuroo to finish.

A few minutes after that, Kuroo got up to wash his empty bowl. When he was standing at the sink washing it, Kenma just walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist. He then rested his head on Kuroo, his right cheek laying on his back. He sat there for a few minutes, waiting for Kuroo to finish washing his dish. When Kuroo finished, he dried his hands and then turned around to hug Kenma back.

"Ahaha, clingy today, huh my gamer boy?" Kuroo smiled.

Kuroo then let go of the hug and went to go sit on the couch. Kenma then ran after him and jumped in his lap and sat cross-legged, facing him. He wrapped his arms under Kuroo's right arm and then cuddled it. He sat in Kuroo's lap, and eventually turned around to watch TV with Kuroo when he turned on their favorite show they watched every day.

They ended up finishing the season they were on that night. Kuroo was so invested in the show, he hadn't realized that Kenma fell asleep in his lap. He smiled and put his hand on the back of Kenma's head, giving him a kiss on his forehead. He then tried to move Kenma over so he could get up, but Kenma clung to him like a koala.

When Kuroo laughed and told Kenma to get off, Kenma got tears in his eyes and then pressed his face against Kuroo's chest. When Kuroo saw this, he picked up Kenma with him and brought him to their room so they could cuddle and Kenma could talk about it if he wanted to.

When they got to their room, Kuroo gently set Kenma down. "Hold on, let me change real quick. I'll be quick, I promise." He grabbed clothes from his dresser and then ran to the bathroom. He quickly changed, and then ran over to Kenma and bellyflopped on the bed.

Kenma just grabbed Kuroo's sleeve and wrapped his arms around him. He just let out one big sob and continued to cry into Kuroo's shirt. Kuroo just wrapped his arms around Kenma and comforted him until eventually Kenma just got tired from crying and fell asleep.

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