Not a texan

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A/N; guys I have a story Idea but I feel like I write to many fucking fanfics, so idk if I should post it. It's ab Gogy Karl and Tommy.

The tall dirty blonde man plodded towards his red oak front door, as he heard the heavy knocking. He silently groaned as he opened it, emerald orbs widening in surprise as he saw the kid in front of him.

Tommy's eyes were red and puffy, as his sweaty hair clung to his forehead from flordia heat. The older recognized that he was wearing dreams best friends merchandise, the hoodie was white with a red and orange flame in the middle.

"Tommy? Are you ok? Your not supposed to be here until Tomorrow." His voice was laced in thick concern, the boy gave him a weak smile.

"Can you get Nick?" He mumbled in a brocken voice, Clay rose a eyebrow but didn't question it as he screamed for the twenty year old.

"Clay what the hel-" he stopped as soon as he saw the teenager that stood at there doorstep.

"N-Nick, she-" he couldn't even finish the sentence without breaking into sobs, but sap got the messaged.

"No no she can't-" Sapnap voice cracked in between the light whispers as he wrapped his arms around the younger's waist.

"T-They d-didn't r-replace moms heart in t-time." Tommy spoke in a softness that Dream couldn't comprehend, he didn't know what was even going on.

"Hey clay, we're going to go up stairs." Sapnap announced, carefully walking with his fragile little brother upstairs.

Later that night Clay went check up on them as he went to his bed, he pressed his lips together as he saw Tommy curled up against sapnap, as the older protectively held him. It looked a little distortional due to size difference but they both had dried up swollen faces.


Dream walked into the kitchen to see two of his lethargic best friends, he eyed both of them up and down, raising a eyebrow.

"So are you guys related or something?" He decided to just bluntly ask grabbing both of their attention as their heads jerked toward him.

"Uhmmm- yea we're you know- were brothers, you have siblings you know how it isss." Sapnap stuttered over his words, his voice going really high at the end.

"Wait BROTHERS?! I mean thought you could be like cousins- but- what how does that even work?" Sapnap glanced at Tom who still didn't really want to speak, and nodded.

"Yea I moved like three years ago, I don't actually have a American accent." He awkwardly looked away, as a realization hit Dream.

"Wait- but I've known you since you were thirteen though." Clays mouth was gaped opened, as he blankly stared at Nick.

"Yeaaaa so I may or may not of completely lied about where I'm from, my accent, my origin story for like almost the past decade, but itssss fineee."

"What the fuck?" The younger shrugged turning his attention to the teenager, who gazed at the floor with a dull look in his eyes.

"Hey." Sapnap whispered softly, the younger stuffed his head into the crook of nicks neck, sniffling.

"Um do you guys want to cancel the meetup?" Dream asked, Tommy slowly raised his head back up locking eyes with the forest green ones.

"N-No, they're already on there way."


The child laid sprawled out on the leather couch, dead asleep. Heavy knocks going against the red cherry door, sapnap softly smiled his little brother before going to go awnser.

"Hey guys!" He greeted them enthusiastically, he glanced at Wilbur who was anxiously off to the side, aggressively tapping his phone.

"Will are you ok?" He asked when everyone went inside while they were still at the door, he nodded.

"Yea, just I haven't heard from Tommy and he wasn't at his house- I'm really worried."

"Wilbur he's here, but he's passed out on the couch." His shoulder relaxed, mouthing a 'thank you' as he waltzed in.

Sapnap made sure sit near Tommy, when he woke up. He didn't want to leave him alone and the only other person who knew what was going on was flirting with some colorblind British guy.

Through out the night, people picked up odd things about the duo, things they didn't expect because the only conversations they have are arguing.

Niki was surprised when Tommy slowly woke up and readjusted himself so that he was cuddling up against Sapnap, his head was nuzzled up into his ribs.

Karl noticed that sapnap would not leave his side, not even to talk to Karl. It made him feel a little sad but he moved on.

Wilbur was surprised to see how soft spoken Nick speaks to Tommy, as Wilbur was sitting on the other end of the couch of the duo he heard everything.

What got George confused was when he was talking to Sapnap and he accidentally said that he wanted 'Gravy chips.' But the small boy shrugged it off as simply just mocking.

It was around 11 pm when the front door swung open starling everyone, the twenty year old looked the man up and down in horror.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" He screamed, all faces turning toward him.

"Oh I'm sorry that I wanted to check up on my sons after their mother died."

"What after sixteen years?! you do not to get to call my brother your son." The older took a sharp breath, curling his fists.

"Why are speaking like that?! Why are you pretending to be American?!" Dream internally winced at that as he watched everyone's eyes widened as they stared at him.

"Wait is this-?" Tommy begun, looking at the man who left him when he was five months. The man took a step toward, sapnap immediately took a step in front of Tommy.

"Do not fucking come near him." He spat out venomously, this time it was in his real accent.

"Why are keeping me from my poor son who I only knew for such a small time." Small gasps were heard amongst the room as anger pulsed through sapnaps veins.

"You don't get to fucking call him your son, you don't to get to barge into my fun times, you don't get to do shit, so shut the fuck up and leave." The older scoffed.

"Your pathetic. You'll come back Nick." His dad teased, slowly walking away with a smirk.

After he left, sapnap immediately turned around to hug Tommy as tight as he could.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered, as he rocked them back and forth.

"So uh you guys are fucking brothers?!"

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