The future

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Tommy smiled sadly, as he took a swig of his beer. Life hasn't treated the blonde well in the last ten years, he chuckled bitterly at the memory of being famous, having millions of people love him. Now he was alone at a bar, with no one loving him.

It was his fault for the downfall of the Dream smp friend group, he was the first to go. He never told anyone why he had to leave, he just said he had to.

That caused Wilbur to stream less, he often worried were the boy was, but that worry transferred to anger. Phil once found him breaking glass bottles, because he was furious at a seventeen year old.

But everyone soon left that life behind, some of them still streamed only they just locked that two year period away in there brain. There was no reason to reminisce on the good old days, if someone went up to another and said something like 'Quackity no longer streams.' They wouldn't recognize the name, they would just furrow there eyebrows and say 'What kind of name is Quackity?'

The burnet curly hair bounced as he ran into his next history lesson, being late again as the professor. He grinned at his students waving at them, he began to explain how in old times people believed in Theseus.

A/N I don't know anything about history so I don't know if that's even historical.

The musician never knew why he felt weird talking about that story, it was basically stitched into his brain, he sucked in a sharp breath. As he got a text message.

Check the news.

The thirty four year old sat down at his desk pulling up the news, he tilted his head in confusion on why his boss wanted him to see this.

"We have to thank this fine lawyer right here, for not putting away a innocent man."

"Holy shit, i watched him on the Dream smp when I was younger." He turned to see a student peeking over his shoulder, with a shock expression.

"Wait did you say Dream smp?" She nodded, the older may not recognize who was on the screen, but he'll always remember the name of the smp.

Time skip

Wilbur decided it was best if he went to a bar, he was stressed from work and that girl unlocked a part of brain that was supposed to stay closed. He smiled weakly as he sat down at a stool.

"You look rough." A blonde right next to him said in between giggles, Wilbur looked at the younger up and down, his clothes were covered in dirt, scars painted his left cheek on his face, weirdly he smelt like cheese.

"You look worse." The brunette deadpanned, the blue orbs were noticeably dull, wonder what happened to him. Wilbur thought as the younger gave him a toothy grin.

"I'm Tommy." He said holding out his hand, Wil looked at his hand in disgust in his defense they were filthy, the kid must of notice because he frowned quickly putting away his hand.

"I'm Wil. Not to be rude but do you shower?"

"I'm homeless mate, I'm just good friends with the person who owns the bar."

"Tommy, I need to talk to you." A man with mutton chops said, the eldest out of three tilted his head he seems familiar. He thought to himself.

"What's up Big J?!" He smiled lightly, wil assumed that he was the owner, the familiar man looked at the history teacher eyes widened.

"Hey Toms remember the Dream smp?" He asked, the younger nodded frowning at the thought. "Thats Wilbur." He whispered.

"W-wait wilby?!" The thirty four year old shot his head up at the nickname, he didn't remember a lot from the two year period but he remembers the nickname.

"How do you know that nickna-" He got cut off by a short dude pulling up a chair, tiredly rubbing his eyes.

"Can I get a scotch please?" The three looked at him immediately recognizing as the lawyer on tv.

"-Anyways where did you here the name Wilby from?!"

"Wilbur, do you remember Jschlatt and Tommyinnit." Both the oldest and the raven haired thirty year old who was eavesdropping froze, some names were just supposed to locked away.

"Tommy?! You live like this?!" The scotch drinker screeched, as he took in the filth and scars that littered his body.

"Oh shut up, some of aren't lawyers asshole."

"Yea but you were a streamer, a famous one I might add."

"How do you know that? Were you a fan?" The shorter let out a exaggerated sigh.

"No I was one your best friends, do any of you remember Alex Quackity?!" The blonde didn't think twice about it when he got out of his chair to squeeze him to death.

"Holy shit- this is such a weird reunion?!"

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