Growing apart

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Tommy is seventeen in this

Tommy grinned as he hopped on to discord, getting his streaming stuff set up. He frowned when he read, hey sorry I can't come to day, doing a stream with ranboo. Tubbo was supposed to come do a important stream with the blonde, but Tommy brushed it off.

The next day, he was supposed to stream with Phil and techno, Hey sorry ranboo wanted to do a lore stream. He smiled sadly, they'll eventually stream with him.

It was Tuesday, and once again everyone cancelled him, he sighed. They're just busy, calm down.

A week later, he was finally invited to stream with someone. It was among us game, he happily hopped on.

Jacksepticeye (I think I spelt that wrong)

"WHAT IS UP GUYS!!!" He screamed, getting some annoyed groans from people, which kind of hurt but he pushed it off.

"Tommy be quiet." He immediately went silent, he didn't feel like arguing with his best friend.

"Hey, Tommy why haven't you stream in a week. Thought you had like three planned?" Wilbur asked, the blonde face fell but quickly picked it back up because of chat.

"They were cancelled." As of that they started playing among us, after the first emergency meeting was called, he heard laughing from his group of people, Wil, Tubbo, ranboo, schlatt.

"What's so funny?" He asked out of curiosity.

"Nothing its a inside joke ,that we made on Tuesday." His heart fell, he gave a half heartily smile to the camera to keep them reassured.

There was one person in the call, who made a note to the kids lack of enthusiasm, his friends leaving him out for most of the game. Jack saddened at the thought of what he thinks might happen, no don't think that they're all practically family. So Jack did forget about that thought.

It was now two weeks since that stream, he hasn't streamed since then. He didn't want to do a alone stream, he threw his head against his wall. But immediately perked it up from the notification, it was from Quackity.

Hey it's been a minute since we last streamed, want to do one together.

He beamed, finally someone who wants to talk to him.

Yea of course, when? He replied.

In twenty minutes. The young boy nodded, getting his shit together before he started streaming.

When the time came he hopped into vc with the other lad.

"Woah, why am I getting ratio so hard by your viewer count?!" Alex said surprised, does he not know? Of course he doesn't no one noticed. The blonde thought to himself.

"I haven't streamed in two weeks." He said, he heard a low oh, from the other end.

"Why haven't you?"

"I didn't feel like doing a one person stream." Alex visibly frowned remembering that he ditched him for some Jack box.

The next day, travesty happened among the Simons house hold, both of his parents died in a car accident, he balled his eyes out for the first time in a year, he was barely getting by and none of his friends were here to help.

It happened for months, he'll get stringed along, getting invited every once in awhile, giving Tommy that ounce of happiness he needed.

It was now his birthday, he was officially eighteen. He giddily got up, going straight to his desk, to go celebrate with his friends.

"Hey guys!" He said enthusiastically into the vc, the call went silent to his voice.

"Tommy what are you doing here? Were supposed to have a lore stream in like five minutes, and you aren't apart of it, not to be rude or anything." The blonde felt a tear fall down his cheek.

"Um- o-ok." He quickly logged off, and curled up into a little ball, he felt the water to start pour down out from his eyes.

Tommy checked discord later that night, he wasn't surprised that he didn't get any bday messages. He huffed. That was the last straw.

He picked up his wallet and walked out of the house, the eighteen year old went all over town looking at new flats, eventually he actually bought a flat.

He gazed at the set up, it was the only thing he didn't pack.

"Here's your one thousand, thank you so much. My son will have so much fun." He grinned at the women buying it, it's time to move on.

One year later

The curly haired burnet laughed at his short friend, the dream smp finally did they're meet up, he frowned when he looked back at the green screen, he was spaced out.

"Dre, you ok?" He asked, the blonde looked up.

"We're horrible." He said bitterly, Wil rose a eyebrow in confusion, "Tommyinnit." The green eyes then walked away, leaving Wilbur to think

Tommy? His once little brother. What happened to him? Why did Clay say were horrible? He thought about it more, he remembers him constantly asking if they could stream, but he always said.. no. Tubbo phil and techno would always cancel on him and hang out with ranboo.. fuck we are shit people.

About twenty minutes later the group heard a familiar voice yell, "CLEMENTINE GET YOUR ASS OVER!!!" There was a tall lanky blonde chasing a little girl who looks about five years old. When he finally picked her up swinging her around playfully, tubbos eyes widened at the familiar face.

"Holy shit." He said, making his friends look at him weirdly, the burnet slowly got up walking towards the two. Unknowing of his friends right behind him, gazing at what was there friend and a child?

"Tommy?" Wilbur said, he had a stupid toothy grin looking at the boy.

"Hey Wilbur?"

"Look we were shit to you." He said, making everyone but Dream look at him bizarrely.

"You don't say? I officially left on my birthday, it was the day I realized you guys forgot about me." The musicians face dropped, he's eighteen?!

"Look wil, everyone else you guys have a good place in my heart but I've moved on. I took a child off the streets and helped her, ok also I just don't really want to talk to you guys."

The group watched as Tommy walked off, it was the official end of his friendship with any of them, the brotherly love, the wholesome moments, the "wars", it was all over.
Tommyinnit doesn't exist any more.

I do not like this.:)

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