Why now?

We've gone far, why would we stop?

I received a message from Calvin Callix, telling me not to listen to G.Suarez.

I 'M STARING AT the river, with an urn around in my hands.

My friend, this is her now, I miss her

I would like to hig her one last time.

Her ashes are with me

She's an orphan with no family to go home

We have decided to let her ash free.

I'm scattering her ashes in this lifeless river near the training center.

"Kayisha Denise, thank you for all the years that we're together"

Now I might not see you again but every time we will go here it's like you were here.

The old structure looks fine and ordinary at first

But it have an elevator, no buttons except for open and closing the elevator door .

It went down and down

Is this his own hell?

Maybe it is

People of different classes all are all in here

We talked to the receptionist


Since ZK is the wealthiest one, we listed the price of this expedition to his name


The man in the reception lifted his head to see us

“It's your first time to see you here, maybe you are those visitors that Sir Ryous is expecting, just go straight ahead, and it will lead you to his office”

So  he is really expecting us.

Ryous is his name, he is now not name less but still faceless

We continued our mission

The first kind if people that we seen there was those people debating about something both of them pretending to be the greatest philosophers.

People representing the first circle of hell,Limbo

Hell, in my imagination it's hot, but when I get in there

It's cold, The coldness magnifies in the eerie atmosphere .

as we walk we passed by the bar and resto where some people eat and have fun.

Men dressed in luxury brands ,educated but not well mannered

Those kind of men who already wear rings on their ring finger but still manage to have fun and do some things with other woman

People representing the second circle of hell,Lust

in one corner, I also saw man ,a very big man with plates full of food ,even more than he needs

He is just eating there without minding other people's business

He's a man representing gluttony

We keep on walking forward, as we go on we meet other kind of people each time they become worse

People gathered in groups in every table playing all sorts of gambling, all hungry for more, they only stop when they already have nothing at all.


And if they have nothing they will fight against each other, using every cursing language they know to blame each other for their greed.


Not to mention, even drugs in all forms and sizes are sold here.

A paradise for those living sinners.

We have met the worse and the worst kind of people in here.

Limbo, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Anger,Heresy, Violence, Fraud. We have seen those.

This is surely the hell of the living world, where Ryous is acting like Hades.

Only one  is left, that's treachery.

Here we are standing in front of the door of his office

The door opened and it let us in.

I could feel the extremely cold air from with in the room.

I just noticed  by now that Zymophore Kriegpiel is not with us.

The ninth circle of  hell is treachery and it is described as a very cold place.

His office must be it.

We went in, I don't know but the inside feels like the temple is sub zero.

Lights are so dim

It's cold but none of us is shivering

How could we shiver if anger and our desire to kill him tonight is burning inside our cores?

We entered another door which brought us to a extremely wide room filled with nothing.

A man, in black is standing he's far from us

His back is the only thing that we can see.

He must be masked man

Or should we call him Ryous now?

“Welcome to hell everyone, should we start now?”


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