The Mirror of Erised

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Kirra looked over her shoulder — but still, no one was there. Or were they all invisible, too? Was she in fact in a room full of invisible people and this mirror's trick was that it reflected them, invisible or not? She looked in the mirror again. 

There were four boys who looked around 17 and they were wearing Gryffindor robes. The one on the end was very handsome with long black hair and next to him was a boy with scars all over his face. The third boy was plumper than the others and then the last boy had glasses that reminded her of Harry's.

A woman standing right behind her reflection was smiling at her and waving. She reached out a hand and felt the air behind her.

If she was really there, she'd touch her, their reflections were so close together, but she felt only air – she and the others existed only in the mirror. She was a very pretty woman. She had dark red hair and her eyes — her eyes are just like mine, Kirra thought, edging a little closer to the glass. 

She looked to the only person she recognised, fear deep in her eyes, But Mattheo only nodded his head, assuring her that she was okay. Kirra looked back at the woman her eyes were Bright green — exactly the same shape, but then she noticed that she was crying; smiling, but crying at the same time.

The tall, thin, black-haired man standing next to her put his arm around her. He wore glasses, and his hair was very untidy. It stuck up at the back, just as Harry's did. Kirra was so close to the mirror now that her nose was nearly touching that of her reflection. "Mom?" she whispered. "Dad?"

They just looked at her, smiling. And slowly, Kirra looked into the faces of the other people in the mirror, and saw other pairs of green eyes like hers, other noses like hers, even a little old man who looked as though she had Kirra's knobbly knees — Kirra was looking at her family, other than Harry, for the first time in her life. 

The Potters smiled and waved at Kirra and she stared hungrily back at them, her hands pressed flat against the glass as though she was hoping to fall right through it and reach them, she would willingly leave this world behind... but then who would look after Harry.

Suddenly she heard rushed breathing, she turned and watched the door shut, yet nobody was there, suddenly her brother came out from underneath an invisibility cloak



"You got an invisibility cloak too?" they both asked each other excitedly and then Kirra's eyes widened as she quickly ran over to Harry and pulled him over to the mirror "look harry look, its our family, and Mattheo, and two other Slytherin boys in the back with him along with a bunch of other people, but look it's mum and dad"

Harry gasped as he looked into the mirror, he saw his mother and father staring back at him and he had the exact same reaction that his sister had had, but he tried to look for the three slytherins and the other people his sister was telling him about, but he had no luck in seeing any of them "I don't see any Slytherins" Harry said to his sister as he stared into his mother's eyes

"what do you mean? They're right there behind that Gryffindor boy with the scars on his face" Kirra said and pointed, Harry tried to look again, he did not see any slytherins or a man with scars

"I still don't see them" Harry muttered out and Kirra let out an annoyed huff and then decided to let it go. They had a powerful kind of ache inside them, half joy, half terrible sadness. How long they stood there, they didn't know. The reflections did not fade and they looked and looked until a distant noise brought them back to their senses.

"Filch was after me, we can't stay here, we have to get back to bed" Harry told her quickly and she nodded her head. They tore their eyes away from their mother's face, and both of them whispered, "I'll come back," and then pulled their cloaks over their heads and went off in separate directions and hurried from the room.

Kirra wished she could forget what she'd seen in the mirror as easily, but she couldn't. She started having nightmares. Over and over again she dreamed about his parents disappearing in a flash of green light, while a high voice cackled with laughter.

"im getting really worried about her, she's been waking up screaming and crying, and she keeps on blanking out and staring out into space," said Maxine with a sigh, she and JJ looked across the Hufflepuff table at the short Hufflepuff who was just staring off into space as she mindlessly played with the hair tie on her wrist.

"She needs to tell someone, like Dumbledore," JJ said in worry as he let out a small sigh

"I've already told the idiot that, but she won't listen to me" Maxine complained softly, not knowing how to help her friend "we are 11 years old for Merlin's sake. She shouldn't have to be dealing with this" Maxine said with worry and frustration in her voice.

"You alright there Potter, seems like you're off with the fairies? Are you thinking about finally leaving?" Draco suddenly asked her as he, Mattheo and their two goons walked up behind them, but she didn't move, she was still in her daze, Mattheos eyebrows furrowed as he looked down at her

"Potter!" Draco exclaimed, not liking being ignored, his cheeks were red as he looked down at the girl with his eyes narrowed "POTTER" Kirra suddenly snapped out of it and looked up at Draco in shock

"Sorry what?" she mutters, still clearly half out of it

"what in merlins name is wrong with you?" Draco asked her with a scoff

"I don- I'm sorry, its nothing just leave me alone please" she muttered out to him and then looked down at her plate and picked up a chip off it and shoved it in her mouth, she cringed slightly at the taste the now cold chip gave her

"Why would we leave you alone? We just got back after all, and you know just how much we love picking on you" Mattheo said as he grinned down at her with a smirk playing at his lips and a light in his chocolate brown eyes, and as she looked into his eyes she thought back to when she looked at him through the mirror, she hesitated for a moment before opening her mouth to speak

"Actually, there was something that I wanted to ask you" she muttered out and the two Hufflepuff and the four Slytherins looked at her in shock and confusion, what on earth would she want to ask Mattheo Riddle

"I u-um well I guess" Mattheo stuttered out in surprise

"Could you meet me outside the kitchen tonight? I found something and I wanted to ask you about it and, well it's hard to explain, can you just please meet me outside the kitchen at 11 tonight?" she asked him and a smirk formed on each of the Slytherins faces

"Well Potter, I never took you to be the one asking the boy out, especially a snake," Draco said with a grin and Mattheo and the goons chuckled, but Kirra just rolled her eyes at their stupidity

"it's not like that, and it's really important so can you meet me there or not?" She asks him, her cheeks going red from embarrassment

"sure thing little badger" 

Stay - Mattheo RiddleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang