Charlotte x Becky - Ash... (Part 2)

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Part 2:

Rebecca stood there, conflicted, shocked, confused. She looked at her, then spoke. "A- um..a child?" She asked, slightly shaking her head at the confusion.  Ashley smiled a bit at her, nodding. "Yes, yes" She grabbed her hands, "Bex, I thought I lost her a long time ago. But (Ex's name) got ahold of me. He's letting me see her" She breathed out.

Rebecca pressed her lips together, "No....what about the hickeys then!" She pulled her hands back. Ashley squinted. "Hickey?" She chuckled softly. "You do realize we get showers together..and sleep together..and EAT together..right?" She tilted her head. Rebecca just starred at her.

"Jesus Rebecca, you made them. We fuck, you make them" She slightly rolled her eyes. "I don't recall making them" she grumbled. Ashley bit her cheek,"I do. I remember complaining about putting makeup over it every morning while your sleeping" She reached for her again.

"I-I..." Rebecca didn't want to admit that it made sense. "Rebecca...I didn't want to tell you because, you said you didn't want kids.." She whispered. "I didn't want to chose between you both. I can't take care of my child if you don't want kids..I don't want to chose" Ashley said sadly. "Because you'll chose her..." Rebecca whispered back.

Ashley sucked in a small breath. "I want you to meet her..." Ashley grabbed her hands.


"Please..just meet her" Ashley pleaded softly. Rebecca didn't understand, thoughts running through her head a mile a minute. " is that even possible"

Ashley sighed. "I had her when I was with (Ex's name)..when we got a divorce, he got full custody because of my job and traveling all the time. Well, she is 4 now..and he wants her to be in my life" She smiled a little bit.

Rebecca bit her cheek, trying to put the pieces together. She didn't realize the frown on her lovers face till she went to speak. "Oh Ashley...I-..." she bit her cheek. Ashley bit her cheek too, "come on..just meet her once." Ashley pleaded. Rebecca sighed and nodded, it would give her time to think. Right?


"Oh goodie, because she is here" Ashley smiled quickly. Rebecca nearly gasped, she wasn't ready for this, an hour ago she didn't even know Ashley had a child, let alone she thought she was cheating.

Ashley rushed over to their front door, opening it up. Rebecca slowly came around the bend to follow her. She stopped when she saw the two hugging it out. Her little face chubby cheeks with a smile to kill for. Her eyes a light shade of green, her hair pretty long for a 4 year old. Her hands were small but she hugged tight.

When they let go, and Ashley stood back up, the little girl became even more small with the size difference. She was thin, fragile even. Her little smile lifted more when her eyes laid onto Rebecca.

"Hello" She said shyly. She was adorable, Rebecca never really wanted kids because she never thought much interested in them. She never found them cute, or handsome. She found them annoying, that's till now. This little girl, looked at her so sweetly. Her hand still in Ashley's.

"H-hi" Rebecca cleared her throat. Ashley smiled. "Rebecca, this is Pamela, Pamela this is Rebecca" She introduced them. "I heard a lot about you" The little girl spoke, her words were a little slow, she was mentally making sure she said them right.

Rebecca smiled just a little, "It's nice to meet you Pamela"

Ashley walked her in the house more, letting her wonder in amazement. The man stepped in soon after, Ashley parted off to talk to him. The little girl stood a bit back from Rebecca. She looked up at her, "You're pretty" She smiled up at her. Rebecca smiled more.

She kneeled down a little. "Thank you young lady..would you like to eat some cookies?" Rebecca asked softly. "Oh, yes!" She hopped a little. Her dress coming up then down. She grabbed Rebeccas hand, which took Rebecca a little off guard as the young woman took her into the kitchen.

They sat at the table, having a small chat as they munched on cookies. Nothing to big for Pamela to eat. Rebecca was very gentle with the young girl. She didn't expect to actually like her. She was so sweet and quiet. Nothing like she imagined.

A few minutes went by before Ashley stepped into the kitchen, stopping in her tracks as they both looked up at her. She smiled warmingly at them. "Save any for me?"

"Oh course mommy!" The girls smile brightened as Ashley sat next to her. The little one fed Ashley a cookie. To Rebecca that was the cutest thing ever. The girls dad walked in a minute later, waving his keys a little bit.

"Come on baby, we need to get going home." He sighed softly. Her faced quickly saddened. "But dadddy" She whined. Ashley's smile went away so quickly, Rebecca was sure she was gonna cry. "I know, I know hunny. But it's getting late." He frowned a bit.

"You'll see mommy tomorrow" He walked over to her, placing a hand on Ashley's shoulder. Rebecca wasn't one to be jelly but she did. Ashley gave a sad smile. "I'll bring cookies I promise" She tapped her daughters nose.

"And Reebecca" She smiled again, that warmed Rebeccas heart. This little girl was gonna grow on her and she just knew it. "Yes, I'll be there" Rebecca cut in. Pamelas smiled nearly jumped off her face.

They soon left after hugs and many kisses on the cheek. They waved bye as Rebecca wrapped an arm around Ashley's waist. They shut the door, as Ashley sniffled a bit as she slowly turned to Rebecca.

They smiled a bit at each other. "Let's get some sleep, and we'll talk about it in the morning?" Rebecca insisted. Ashley didn't argue.

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