Charlotte, Becky : Storms

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Charlotte, Becky : Storms

Becky loved the rain. She always thought it was soothing. Charlotte took some time before she agreed. The two women loved the rain so much, they would go in the middle of the street and dance in it.

They were best friends/ lovers. No one had a clue about them. They played it off well. Everyone assumed they stopped talking after Wrestlemania, but god were they wrong.

Ashley and Rebecca were untouchable when they hid under the sheets together when the night came creeping.  Rebecca would hold her through the night only to wake and find fresh warm coffee on the nightstand with a note.

Note: Morning love, I had to go like normal. See you tonight in Paris! I can't wait to see you. Have a good day bbg~

Rebecca was used to Ashley leaving in the morning before her because of work. They had to keep their relationship a secret. If anyone, even one of the superstars found out, they would ruin everything.

Rebecca and Ashley were very good at keeping secrets from everyone when they work together. They always have.

Some nights they risk their own careers because they want to stay with each other for the night. They always tried to stay as close together as possible.

Rebecca would get ready for the day before starting her day. Of course Ashley didn't know it, but Rebecca kept almost every letter she wrote her. A few had got lost in bags that failed to make the flight.

Ashley would leave in the mornings to get done early media before heading out for her afternoon flight to Paris. They loved Paris. It was definitely gonna be their honeymoon vacation.

What they both didn't expect was, later that night. While laying in bed. Curling up into each other's arms that they came across a post. Then another, and another.

Suddenly there was a stand of pictures and videos of them two. People starting to speculate they're friends again. Just like a rumor, it spread around quickly and they worried the company might catch on.

It's the one time, they don't like the storm coming their way.

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