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she looked unexplainably amazing, her hair was tied up and laid perfectly down her back with few bits placed to frame her face, her makeup was natural and glowy. david looked at her in awe as she finally reached him, mollie's dad hugged his daughter as he placed her hand in david's, giving the young man a nod of understanding, a 'protect my daughter' look, a fatherly look. david helped her up the few steps, whispering a few things in her ear, taking both her hands as he continued to look at her, he couldn't take his eyes off of her.

"today we have all gathered here to celebrate the relationship of david, and mollie" the officiant spoke up, and the couple let out a gasp, it was finally happening. "first id like to welcoming everyone and thanking everyone for being here on this happy day" the officiant spoke again, earning a smile from the guests. "it's no accident that you are here today, and each of you were invited here because you represent someone important in mollie and david's life" the officiant finished.

"as a third-party spectator to their developing love, it was extremely clear that the two of them represent a perfect pairing because each of them complements the other so well." millie sniffling, trying not to cry as she held davids hand. "they balance one another, and while each of them are tremendous individuals on their own, together they are even better. and being better together, as a team, a unit, and partners in crime, is what has been many years in the making and ultimately leads us to being here today, witnessing their commitment to one another in front of those they love most." david smiled at her again, he could feel her nerves.

"i know both of them care deeply and passionately for each other; they protect each other; they make each other laugh and think outside themselves; that time magically seems to both fly and slow down when they're together. they help each other in ways that are obvious and unnoticed, but always appreciated." he spoke again. "so without further a do, the vows. today we are gathered here to join mollie and david in the union of marriage, mollie and david will not exchange their vows" he finished. mollie wiping a small tear, getting prepared to speak.

"i u-uhm met david in an uncertain time in my life, i was fresh out of the only place i knew, and was in a completely new environment, for the first almost year of our relationship, we were solely best friends, and i think that's what makes our relationship work so much. he helped me move into my first apartment with paige, and when she moved out, he let me stay in his house almost every single night because he knows how lonely i get, and how scared of the dark i am" mollie joked, earning a laugh from the audience.

"but this man here, he has the purest heart, it's made of love. he deserves every bit of appreciation in the world, he does so much for me, for everyone. he's put up with me for almost 7 years, and wants to marry me, and i think that says something." for the final part of her vows she turned to speak to david instead of the guests. "but david, you, you are the best thing that ever happened to me, i fall in love with you more every single day, you're full of compassion, love and you have the kindest soul. you deserve every single bit of your success and everything you have done. i am so incredibly proud of you and how far you've come, and i'm forever grateful for you, you look after me tremendously well and i can't thank you enough" mollie finished, earning more tears from david.

"now we will hand over to david" the officiant told.

"as mollie said, we met each other at a strange time. we were both young workaholics, and we wouldn't admit it at the time but we really needed and craved someone to fill a hole, a hole that neither of us knew we had, but as the months went on we started realising. i don't know what life was like before i fully realised i was completely and utterly in love with my best friend" david started, earning an 'awh' from the audience. " if you're close to mollie you know how much fun she is, the night of her 23rd birthday she got really drunk at my house. and by the end of it, it was just me and her. i ended up learning what fake eyelashes were and how to wipe makeup off. and i wouldn't of done that for any other girl." he continued.

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