𝟏𝟔: the meeting

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"We respect that you need a break, given everything that has gone on with the terrorist attacks-"

Sam gave the senator of state a skeptical glare.

"-revolts... A few months away from America is acceptable. But I'm afraid that's all we can offer."

Bucky had been expecting this from the moment they'd entered the meeting discussing Sam's new position as Captain America. The pair had discussed before hand that it would be logical to get all other matters talked about before asking if they could have time off. And, really, Bucky would be lying if he said he hadn't been expecting Sam's time off to be limited.

Most of the people in the room seemed to be entirely against Sam, though they didn't say anything openly, Bucky still picked up on it. The exception was an older man sat at the head of the table, one with black and white hair that looked like salt and pepper. He had a friendly look about him. When all the other members of the meeting looked at Sam with a hint of uncertainty, this man looked at him with pride.

Other than that man, everyone looked like they could have been part of HYDRA, Bucky saw that familiar power hungry look in their eyes. But the kind man's eyes were void of such, and kept flickering between both Sam and Bucky where they sat close beside each other.

Bucky hadn't been asked to attend the meeting, the government tended to ignore his existence after he'd been pardoned, but Bucky found it difficult to leave Sam's side so came along anyway. They had left Louisiana at the same time to head back to DC, Sam had invited Bucky to stay at his apartment until they sorted out their trip. They'd only had time to drop their cases off before heading to the meeting, so Bucky waited in anticipation to be alone with Sam in his apartment once it had finished.

"And of course, alerting the media as to why you're leaving would be a good call. If you don't tell them, there'll be speculation. People will be curious and if a few months of peace is what you are after I can certainly guarantee you wouldn't be getting any," The unfriendly senator continued, dark eyes narrowed on Sam.

Bucky looked at Sam, eyes wide with concern. Bucky was certain Sam wouldn't want to tell the media that he was off on some vacation with an ex-assassin.

"I don't owe it to the media to explain my every move," Sam declared. "But Buck and I need a break, if we'll only get peace by informing the media of our trip then I'm happy to do so if Bucky is."

There was a deafening silence and Bucky felt his ears ringing like they did for hours after waking up from cryo-freeze. A woman with ugly square glasses was the first to break the silence.

"And will it just be you and Mr Barnes on this vacation?" She asked suspiciously.

Sam stiffened, tilting his chin up defensively.


There was a choir of uncomfortable hums and Bucky felt his heart sink, waiting for the ground to swallow him whole. But before his negative thoughts took over, there were fingers brushing against his knuckle, making him release the painful grip he had with his nails digging into his leg. Sam took Bucky's hand under the table, lacing their fingers together before running the calloused surface of his thumb against the back of Bucky's hand.

"We don't wish to offend you, Mr Wilson, but given the suspicion of James Barnes' relationships with men in the past, there may be certain speculations-"

Bucky knew what the senator was talking about. He'd read countless articles about the concern surrounding Bucky's true relationship with Steve Rogers, people had conspired that Bucky was queer in the past and he'd remembered thinking how upsetting it was to know nothing could be kept personal in the twenty-first century. And now everybody was going to find out and hate him for corrupting Captain America.

"I'm perfectly aware of the speculations," Sam's confident voice broke Bucky out of his spiraling thoughts.

He squeezed Bucky's hand firmly and Bucky could see the kind man at the end of the table smiling softly to himself.

"Don't you think Captain America being black and gay is too much of a hard pill to swallow?" The unkind lady senator spat.
Sam glared daggers at her.

"I haven't labelled myself to you or the public, so with all do respect Ma'am I find you throwing the word 'gay' at me a pretty hard pill to swallow."

Bucky felt himself biting back a grin, squeezing Sam's hand under the table.

"Now, I think all necessary matters have been discussed," Sam declared, standing up but keeping hold of Bucky's hand.

They were standing in a room of white, presumably straight, conservative politicians holding hands as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Which, really, was exactly how it should be viewed.

The friendly man sat at the end of the table started clapping his hands as Sam and Bucky left the room and Bucky's cheeks began to ache from smiling so wide. He grabbed Sam by the collar of his shirt when they turned into an abandoned corridor. He pushed Sam up against the wall to kiss him senseless.
It only lasted a few seconds because Sam seemed to have forgotten how to breath. Bucky leant out and shook his head in awe at the man before him; white shirt beautifully contrasting with his skin, warmth and tenderness radiating from his eyes, lips parted and swollen and perfect.

"You're absolutely crazy," Bucky whispered in disbelief.

"Something tells me you like it," Sam replied, cupping Bucky's jaw to kiss him again.

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