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What should I make for dinner? I was considering making curry, as I rang the doorbell.

"Welcome," Aly greeted me as he opened the door with a huge, carefree smile.
"Hie" all I could say, as I was dazzled looking at him so happy and cheerful.
I saw his laptop open on the table with a cup of tea. He was working.

"Did I disturb you?" I asked as I entered.
"No, not at all." He answered:
"Hope you are comfortable," I asked as I kept groceries bag on the kitchen counter.
"More than just conformable," he replied with a grin.

His reply made me blush. I hid my face and went to the bedroom. I noticed his bag at the corner of the door. I smile looking at it. Today everything made me smile.

The thought of him being with me made me happy and after last night my anger was lessened and it was the right thing to do as it was my mistake and not his that for nine years I cried.

So, after finding out that it was me to blame, I let go the anger for him and the only feeling left was love.

Everything he did and said made me happy. So, I was smiling all the time. I kept my bag taking my phone to join him.

"I brought some juice you want some?" I asked him from the kitchen as I kept the groceries in the fridge.
"Not now maybe later. I'm drinking tea." He replied from the hall.

I grab the water bottle and return out to sit beside him. He was typing an email. I quietly sat beside him and started surfing my phone. I read the pending texts from my friends on the Chat apk.

"I love you guys," Avika wrote I quickly replied.
"I love you guys too. Thank you," I replied.
I wanted to thank them for forcing me to talk to Aly. I was doing a mistake by ignoring Aly;

If it was not for them, then I would be still blaming Aly for my mistake. I scroll the rest of the chat and everyone was praising about the wedding and the photos. Right then my phone started ringing; I saw Bharti name flashing on the screen. I picked her call

"Hi" I said a little slowly.
I was a little conscious to talk to them.
"Wait, Avika is on another line let me add her too and Nidhi for a conference call," bharti said and kept me on hold.

"Hello," I heard both Avika and Nidhi's Voices.
"Hi Guys"I said with a sigh.
"What happened you sound low?" Avika asked with concern.
"We are sorry for what we did. I know what we did was stepping over the boundary." Bharti started hurriedly to explain and defend them.

"Hey stop it. You did the right thing; It was my mistake I should be the one apologizing. I'm truly sorry," I said to them and I also looked at Aly who was sitting beside me
looked up when I said sorry.

"So, this means you and Aly talked?" Nidhi asked.
"Yes, tell us what happened? What did the hotness say? Did you change your mind?" Avika asked excitedly.

She started with her 20-20 questionnaire and as usual; she was excited. It made me roll my eyes.

"Yes, we talked. Again, sorry and thank you." I said, truly I appreciated their help.

"Oh, so the hotty got his chance," Nidhi teased, Avika & Bharti laughed loudly and instead of laughing I coughed to hide my laughter. But I failed as Aly looked at me with narrow eyes and I grin widely.

"Hmm," I replied to them.
"Oh, is he there with you right now?" Avika guessed with shock clearly in her voice.

"Obviously" And everyonne started laughing again, and I joined them.
"We are happy for you. God bless you and let's meet everyone" Bhartii asked.
"Sure, why not?" Avikaa replied.
"I will confirm later," Nidhii said.
"I will ask Aly and let you know" I told them.

"Whatever it is, I'm fine with it." Aly spoke loudly so my friends could hear. He leaned towards me and said smiling widely.

I started giggling and put the call on
Majnu is fully crazy now,
"Oh, congratulations," Avika said, laughing.

Everyone started laughing and Aly looked at with both the eyebrows raised.I laughed hard, as yet again he tried to copy my 'Are you serious look' an eyebrow raised

"Hie guys," Aly said and everyone stopped laughing and at once it was silent and I giggled.
"Hello, Aly," Nidhi greeted.
"Hie Aly," Avikaa said, failing to control her laugh.
Bharti asked, always "How are youu

"All good, you tell me, what are you girls gossiping about?" he asked; innocent.

I failed to control myself and I burst out laughing aloud and everyone joined me. I teased him.
"Nothing, we are only planning to meet, and you are invited too" Bhartii informed.
"Sounds great when?" Aly asked.
"What about tomorrow?" Bhartii asked.

"I don't think it will be possible for us to come tomorrow, as we sort of already made plans. But what about Sunday we all can do dinner?" Aly asked.

I stopped smiling and stared at him. Do we really have plans?I was suddenly excited.

"Sunday sounds perfect. Done, time place we will decide later," Bharti answered.
"I will confirm later," nidhi said.
"Ok no problem," Avikaa said.
"Bye jas and Aly," nidhi said.
"Bye nidhii," I and Aly said together, and we looked at each other and grinned.

"I will talk to you later," I said nidhi, and she hung up the call1.
"Bye Bharti Bye Avika" I said.
"Bah Bye" Avika answer.
"Bye, Enjoy, see you on Sunday" Bhartii said.
Sure," I said.
"Bye," Aly said, and I hung up the call.

"Do we have plans?" I asked Aly.
"Yes, I need more five minutes to finish my work. You go get fresh and change we are going out." Aly said with a crooked smile and a hint of dimples were deepened
and visible.

I got up instantly and Aly stared  with confusion. With a blank expression, I started walking towards the bedroom. He kept staring as I walked past him.

Once I was out of his site, I started laughing loudly, and he heard my laughter.
"Drama Queen," he yelled.
I clucked.

After I got fresh, it confused me about what I should wear. So, I thought of asking him. If I knew what we are going to do, then according to it, I could get dressed
"I can't decide what to wear. What are we going to do tell me so that I can wear according to it?" I asked Aly?
He was still typing. He stopped when I entered.

"Wear whatever you're comfortable in," he.answered kindly.
"Where are we going?" I asked again.
"Surprise," he answered and winked at me.

I didn't say a word instead I stick my tongue out at him as I walked in my room.

"Pack some clothes too. We were going to for a night out," he announced.

And I stopped. Night out? I walked backward

"Night Out?" I reconfirmed.
"Yes, hope you don't have problems." Again, he asked politely. How could I say no to this beautiful person? He looked so innocent and so childlike I just shook my head and he beamed and I smiled automatically.

He started typing in his laptop and I walked towards my room.
I wore jeans with a black sleeveless top and black sandal. I removed my small bag, and I packed a short, a t-shirt, a jean, a shirt, a one-piece dress, and nightwear. I
also packed sneakers and other necessary things. I took my bag of toiletries from the washroom while packing. I also got ready. I applied my favourite pink lipstick and
combed my hairs. I kept my hairs open and carried my stuff back to my room.

Aly was standing in my room and was removing clothes from his bag. He didn't look up at me; he was busy.

i'm done with the packing, when are we leaving?" I asked him as I zipped my bag.
"Now in fifteen minutes" He answered while removing clothes.
"I'm sitting outside you get ready," I told him and walked out of the room.

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