part 2

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Will you be mine? and" I interrupted him before he could
continue something else.
I placed my finger on his lips, and said, each word slowly and clearly.
No, my answer is no. Please don't ask me anything. I can't, and I won't. I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry," I said, heartbroken, seeing his lovely face turned in anguish and pain in an instant.

I sobbed and ran towards the exit. I saw my friends' faces; It shocked them. They didn't move or said anything they were all frozen. I just kept running until I reached my room. I locked my room, andI closed my eyes.

My heartbeat was beating fast; I was suffocating I couldn't breathe.
"Shits! No-no, not now" I said, panicking.
I shut my eyes tightly, and leaned my head back to the door, for a minute then I hurried to the table, took the bottle, and drank some water, and I breathe slowly taking deep breaths. I tried to relax, but it was not helping me. Then I saw my diary lying on the table, and I took it and hugged it tightly.

fresh tears rolled down my eyes to my cheeks. I wiped my tears, and I stood up; breathless.

His face was haunting me, pain, guilt, sadness, regret;
everything made me feel the worst about myself.
No matter what I thought of, to distract myself, his face
never disappeared from my eyes. I kept seeing flashes,
flashes of his sad face. I had to do something about it, to make it stop. Then in desperation, I decided for a way to explain him the reason for my No.

Let's show him what I really feel. Why it's hard for me to
forgive him. Show him one last time and let him be the judge of what I should do. I whispered. Gaining some self-control and calming my heartbeats.

I talked to myself, and I felt strong and brave instantly as I decided. I took my book, and stepped out in the hall, and right then; he walked in from the front door. He looked at me and said.

"T'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." he tried to assure me,
"No, I'm sorry for the way I acted." More tears rolled from
my eyes, seeing him suffer.

"Hey, please stop crying." he took a step towards me, and then stopped; afraid that I might run away again if he came any closer.

"I want to show you something, come here." I whispered, I raised my hand, asking him to sit beside me on the sofa.
"Your diary?" he asked, surprised.
"Yes, come here," I said, wiping my face with the back of my hand as I sat down.

He sat beside me and gave me his handkerchief to wipe my face.I took it and wiped my eyes, cheeks, andI smiled at him.

"Thank you." I replied, returning the handkerchief.
I was a-bit relaxed now; it was time to show him. I took a
deep breath, opened the book to the first page, and handed it to him to read it.

I saw a dream,
Where you were mine
So, happy it felt,
Like you were my lijeline.
Listening to your words,
Kept me in silence.
Imagining you are mine,
again, the feeling begins.
When you lose someone,
Voice is the first thing youforget.
I saw you in my dream.
Where I welcome your voice like a guest.
Listening to your words,
Happiness was gained
Then entered my mothers words,
Which made me afraid omce again.
Realizing now dream was just a dreanm
When mumbling les was the scheme.
For a day you were my king, and I was the queen
NowI know the voice was just a noise.
I saw a dream.
Where you were mine
Now my lijeline was unseen,
As it was only a Dream"


"You wrote this?" he confirmed. Still shocked, and excited
"Yes." I nodded smiling; I was suddenly happy to see him
smile. He looked both curious and pleased as he read my.poems.

"A beautiful flow you have written, such a delight to read"
He said, with amazement.

"Thank you, please continue," I requested.
"Gladly" He replied with a smile and turned the page.

When a guy holds a girl by her waist,
While her hands were around his neck.
Lips were parted
And hearts were reunited.
Second before the kiss,
When a heartbeat is skip.
Even hearts can be lockable,
Now seemed possible.
Lips were parted,
Eyes were locked.
Hearts were reunited,
And the leg is popped.
When a girl is seriously Kissed,
Her foot would pop
All I have heard,
Well, now this lesson is learned.
When cheeks burn,
Blush was the term.
Kissing him was First,
Which is forever preserved.
When a guy holds a girl by her waist,
While her hands were around his neck.
Now Lips were parted.
Not Kissing will always be the hardest.


He clucked.
"jasmin! You gave such a wonderful description of a kiss. Inspirational" He said, still surprised.
"You wrote about us?" he asked, after reading it for the
second time.
"It was hard when you left, all I could remember was your kiss, how much I liked it, and how much I wished I could do it again with you, but you left." I looked down as I whispered.

Admitting after nine was painful and embarrassing
He threw his hand around me and hugged me.

"I can't even tell you, how much sorry I'm, it was hard for
me as well." He pleaded.
He pulled me in his lap, took the book, and turned the page.
I was sitting on the sofa between his legs. He was behind me, and he was holding the book that was on my lap; he rested his head on my right shoulder; . We were close and it felt nice.

Seeing the next poem, I was again worried about his reaction.

Once I was blessed witha Best Friend.
Once I was blessed with a best friend,
We swore to always be there till the end.
With each other, we neer had to pretend,
And being together was how the time we spent.
He felt me eight years ago.
fhe didnt, then how nmy life would be today I want to know.
For eight years each day was slow
But still, I managed to smile, and continued the show
That day when he asked me, woud you like to go out?
Ireplied: I albways do without any doubt.
What ifI asked you for feeling with something more?
So, that when you walk for you, I can hold the door
I said. ifyou are being funy, I wil kill you.
He simply replies. I love you that have always been true.
Listening to him, I lost ny voice.
He continued I will love you I made the choice.
You don't have to hurry for an answer; I can wait.
When he said that, I still remember the date.
I thought he would meet me at eiglht.
AndI waited for him at the gate.
But he never came,
Was hurting me was his aim?
Ifhe had to leave, he should have
Why did he have to break my heart in half?
He left me two letters to my Best friend and
to my Girlfriend witha ring,
Inever read the letters as I knew what fresh pain it would bring.
But still, for him, I could do anything.
So, around my neck, Istill wear his ring.
He was my best friend, also, my lover.
Because of that, I have to sufer
But now Im a lot tougher
So, I will wait till my heart recovers.
Once I was blessed with a best friend,
We swore to always be there till the end.
With each other, we never had to pretend
And now writing about him was how the time Ispent.


He froze. He did not move nor did he turn the page. He just kept staring at the poem.
I was not sure what I was supposed to say. It worried me, but it was the right thing to do. He has to understand my suffering, why I was scared to be close to him.
Though I never told him I love you on the last day, it was because he didn't let me, but now I was showing him my version of love. Let him decide what I should do after suffering for all these years because to him. I didn't break the silence as it stretched, and
then as he was sitting behind me with his head resting on my shoulder; he moved back; sitting straight, and after a minute
when he was done reading this poem again, he slowly moved his one finger over my neck, and he tried to pull the chain out to reconfirm whatI wrote was real or not.

As he pulled my chain out, I placed my hand over my chest on the ring that was still under the top.

"Please let it go," he whispered in my ears.
I closed my eyes, and I dropped my hand down.
He paused at first, scared for the answer, then very slowly he pulled the gold chain out, and then he saw his silver heart- shaped diamond ring worn as a locket around my neck, and he gasped.

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