He doesn't say anything before he pulls me into a big hug.

For a moment everything is good until he tenses, looks behind him and says he has to go. He at least leaves me his number, he must have figured out I didn't have his number anymore.

I decide to head home and wait a few hours before messaging him. It seemed like something was wrong. He had been waiting for someone and then left so suddenly. I saw a few people outside but they were mainly men.

'Hey Nai, it's Max. I hope everything is ok, you rushed out so suddenly. Anyway, I would love to catch up with you if you are free, fancy meeting me for a drink?'

I wait patiently for his reply, well as patiently as I can. It takes him a while to respond but when he does I am beyond ecstatic.

I race into the shower, and spend way too long trying to pick what to wear, it feels like I'm going on a date. Once I have finally decided I head off to the bar he told me about. I'm surprised he wants to meet at a bar, I figured he would suggest a restaurant or something, he had never been much of a drinker before.

He's sat at the bar when I walk in, I see him speaking to the barman as I approach. I notice him fiddle with his watch, he jumps when I clasp his hand.

He blushes a little as I sit down in front of him. The blush looks cute on him.

'Hey man, you ok?' I sign. When he smiles it damn near takes my breath away, I had forgotten how cute he is.

He looks at his watch again after the barman brings me a beer, giving us a strange look. It's almost like he's worried about being seen with me.

'Everything really ok?' I ask.

'Yeah, everything's great. What about you? I never expected to see you again.' That smile is back again and I can't help my dick jumping a little.

'I know right. Would you be mad at me if I said I actually planned it,' his eyebrows cross over his forehead, I can tell he's trying to figure out what I mean.

'What do you mean?'

'I begged mum and dad to let me go back to that school, but they wouldn't until I told them I would promise to stop being gay. Mum readily agreed of course, like she thought it was just a switch you can turn on and off. However, when I got back you had already left. It took me a while to find out where you went. As soon as I did I wanted to follow you to your new school but that wasn't going to happen.

So, like the creepy-ass stalker I am, I planned to go to a university near your new town. I knew that you wouldn't want to go far away from your mum, and I was right.'

The shocked look on his face is so worth the wait. I knew my patience would be rewarded.

'Did you stop being gay?' he asks me. I can see the wheels in his head turning, blaming himself for me being forced to stop being who I am. I'm tempted to cash in on that guilt, how will he compensate me?

Full body massage? Home-cooked meal? Suck my cock?

I smirk inwardly before I decide to let him out of his misery.

'Nope, the deal was to go back and see you. Obviously, the second part didn't happen, so the deal was off.' I know I look pleased with myself with that loophole.

Mum was naturally furious with me. Her attempts to find me a girl doubled after that. She even tricked a girl into sneaking into my bed naked whilst I was in the shower. She was told that I like girls that surprise me.

Boy was she pissed when I told her I prefer guys to girls and that my mum lied to her. Apparently, the girl was a massive fan of guys getting together and hated parents that can't accept their gay sons.

Angry Wolf and His Deaf MateWhere stories live. Discover now