preference #7

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You having a panic attack (this is gonna be a long one) TRIGGER WARNING panic attack's

Requested by: cassidypinkston

You were telling anxious because a new greenie came up in the box tomorrow. You remember how scared and alone you felt when you came up in the box. You noticed your breathing picking up and more years streaming down your face. Every night Newt checked up on you. He walked into your room and when he saw what state you were in he imidiatly came over. He knew what to do because he also had panic attacks sometimes. " Hey it's gonna be okay. I'm gonna ask you some questions and your gonna answer them as good as you can okay" you nodded your head. "Okay name Five things you can see" he said. "U-uhm y-y-you, my b-bed, t-the-the walls, the d-door an-nd a plant" you said already feeling a little calmer. "Your doing really good okay next one name four things you can feel " "you, t-the floor, m-my bed, your fl-fluffy hair." You answered "really good love. Three things you can hear." "Your voic-e, my B-breathing, and the wind" your breathing had almost calmed down but the tears were still coming. " Very good. 2 things you can smell" "you, the smell of the glade" you said. "Okay and one thing you can taste"  "Fry's lasagna" you said and giggled a little. He chuckled and cuddled with you for the rest of the night.

You were in the WICKED department sitting on your bed. Your breathing started picking up and that made you even more scared. The thoughts roaming trough your mind. When the grievers came in the glade and killed a lot of people. When Gally killed chuck and Minho killed Gally. The way here with all the crancks. You had your own room because you were a girl. You felt scared and a pain in your chest. The door opened and in the doorway stood Thomas. He saw what state you were in and imidiatly ran to your side. "hey it's gonna be okay" He said hugging you. He did some breathing excersising with you. When you calmed down he layed with you in your bed to make sure you were okay.

you had just arrived to the glade and you were sitting with Minho. You were sitting in his hut when you started breathing heavier then normal. He looked at you and noticed what was going on. He grabbed you some water and talked to you about fun things to get your mind of off the bad ones. When you started to calm down you hugged him and drank some water. He watched you for the rest of the day so that he was sure you were okay.

You were sitting in your bed in the safe haven thinking about how you had just lost Newt. He was your best friend. You started crying and your breathing becoming quicker. You wanted to get up to go to Gally but your body wouldn't let you stand up. Gally was worried because usually you were with them at the beach. He saw you on your bed. You looked at him and started crying even more recalling the time that he "died". He walked over to you warping you in a hug. He thought about what to do and then kissed you. You stopped breathing so it calmed you down. When you pulled away you smiled at him and cuddled up in his chest

You were sitting on your bed thinking about how you had to leave so many gladers behind. How chuck and Gally died. You started crying and breathing heavily. Aris heard from his daily trip through the vents and imidiatly came to your room. He climbed out if the vents as fast as he could. You looked at him and he walked over you wrapping you in a hug. The hug was really comforting and calmed you down. After a few minutes you were calm against and cuddled with Aris

You were sitting in your hut thinking about how it was to come up in the box for the first time. You started to have a panic attack and stumbled over to the slicer's hut. Winston looked at you and told the other slicer's to leave. He hugged you and whispered things in your ear like "it's gonna be okay" or " no need to be scared " you kept your attention on his voice and calmed down. He took the rest of the day off and spent it with you

You were working in the kitchen together and suddenly your breathing started picking up. Frypan imidiatly noticed and dropped everything he had in his hands. He ran over to you and hugged you. He stroked your hair talking to you. When you had calmed down he made your favorite food for you.

You and panic attacks quite often so he checked on you quite often. When you where having another panic attack. He walked in sitting next to you doing some breathing exercises. When it worked he hugged you laying back on the bed.

You were sitting on the beach with her in the safe haven when you started having a panic attack. She looked at you not knowing what to do. Then she started talking it you so you would focus on her voice when that worked she also kissed you just to make sure.

You were at the right arm and we're sting with her in a car. You were talking about what had happened in the past few weeks. And she was shocked. Your breathing started picking up and you were having a panic attack. She imidiatly noticed and started doing some excersises. And having. A conversation with you. When you calmed down she hugged you.

You were in the safe haven. Sitting next to Harriet staring at the starts. You got flashbacks from the glade and started having a panic attack. She noticed and helped you the best she could. She kissed you stoping you breathing. And when you pulled away you were calm again and she smiled at you.

You were in the glade and you were giving her the tour when you saw the pace where you had been hurt before by someone who got stung. Your breathing became faster and you started hyperventilating. She noticed and hugged you. She stroked your hair and you calmed down at the feeling.

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