As I walked into the living room I could see a car parked next door that I hadn't noticed. Just seeing directly outside made me mentally note that I needed to pick up some curtains. I walked outsides down two girls got out of the car and walked up their driveway.

"Hey, how y'all doing" I said with a wave as I walked back to the truck for another box.

"Heyyy" They said at the same time.

"You're my new neighbor?" One of the girls spoke. She had these big brown almond shaped eyes that caught my attention almost instantly.

"I guess so"

"I don't live here but ya know, I be here all the time" The other girl added in trying to get my attention. They had on book bags so I knew they were still in high school. I definitely wasn't trying to catch a case so I wasn't going to pay them too much attention.

"Neighbor do you have a bottle of water by chance? It's kinda hot out here and I forgot to stop at the store"

"Yeah I gotchu" She nods her head and then goes inside the house. I had only a few boxes left but I was already feeling the symptoms of dehydration kicking in.

"Here you go" She cuts across the driveway with a large bottle of ice mountain and a red gatorade. Just the site of the cold bottles made my mouth feel even more dry.

"Thank you" I twisted the cap off the water bottle and started to chug it down. I closed my eyes as the cold drink rehydrated my system. My body began to cool down almost immediately.

"You don't got no help? You out here slaving"

"Nah, I'm almost done now though. It probably wasn't smart to move in on the hottest day of the week" I wiped the sweat off my brow and looked back at the truck to see how much shit I had left.

"Yeah no shit" She retorted and we both laughed, "So you're living here by yourself?"

"Yup I'm all alone"

"Well I'm gonna let you finish up. If you need more water just knock on the door. I don't want you to pass out out here"

"Alright thank you 'preciate it" I smiled and nodded my head at her.

I looked over at her house and her friend was watching us from the window. I laughed to myself and finished moving everything inside of the house.

After waiting around for a few hours my couch and bed set finally got delivered. I wasn't going to survive another night sleeping on the floor or a couch so having a bed tonight was a must.

My phone started to ring again, however, it was my boy Leon this time.

"Who was it?" I said as I answered the phone.

"John. Nobody seen him since last night though. He hasn't been on the block. I checked the county and he isn't booked"

"Call a meeting, he'll show up if he smart. I'll be there in like 30 minutes" I said to him and hung up the phone before he could even respond.

I took a quick shower before heading to the warehouse to see what the hell is going on. I was the only one to blame for this. I don't know why I thought I could depend on other people to make drops for me. I shouldn't have been dumb enough to put my life and my well-being in the hands of some other nigga.

I pulled up to the warehouse and I could already see some of the guys starting to pull up as well.

"Ayeeee Mr. Home Owner" Leon greeted me as I approached. I tucked my gun into my waistband and covered it up with my t-shirt.

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