It's not his fault, it's Elena's. 

Same difference. Doesn't mean I won't kill them both before the Death Eaters do if I get the chance. 

              Try it, and I'll kill you. 

She heard Jacob chuckle in her mind. She looked up to see his icy eyes and the tiniest of amused grins. 

Another Death Eater kicked him in back of the head. 

"Wipe that smile of your face boy," she hissed. "You won't be needing it where you're going."


The Death Eaters had knocked them all unconscious again during transport. They awoke in a dimly lit chamber. There were no windows. Sarah wondered if they were underground. She clambered to her feet with the others. She wore manacles that were attached to a collar at her neck by a chain. She and her friends were all chained together so that they had to walk in a straight line. Sarah could hear noise coming from the other side of a large wooden door, like muffled yelling. 

"The pit has a full schedule today," said the rasping Death Eater that had nudged Aiden's arm. "But I wanted to give you a little peak of what you'll be up to tomorrow."

He pushed open the door, and the muffled yelling became a tumultuous roar. Around fifty Death Eaters stood in raised, circular stands around a small, dirt floor. They were yelling, cursing, and placing bets. Occasionally, one of them would fire a spell in the middle the ring.

Sarah's stomach squirmed. She didn't want to see what was inside the ring, but she couldn't stop herself form looking when she walked by a gap in the stands, where a large barred gate stood to let people in and out of the ring. 

Two people stood in the dirt, worn to skin and bone and with sunken faces that made their terrified eyes all the larger. They paced around each other, each holding a spear.

  No, Sarah thought, Please, no. 

Chortling, the Death Eater reached into the pocket of his robes, pulled out Talbott's wand, and tossed it into the ring. 

"Lot of good that'll do the muggle scum!" said his friend in the stands, reaching down to pat him on the back.  

Sarah averted her eyes from the ring as one of the muggles lunged forward with his spear. 

 The Death Eater lead them to a foul smelling room that remind Sarah of the potions classroom at Hogwarts, only instead of bubbling cauldrons, they were filled with dozens of cages that were hardly large enough for one person to sit down inside. 

"Tomorrow, we'll see how you lot fare in the pit," he said, as he placed each of them in an empty cage. 

"I'll face you right now, you disgusting slimeball!" shouted Merula. "Give me my wand and we'll see who's more powerful!"

The Death Eater just laughed as he left the room and slammed the door behind them. 

Merula shook the bars of her cage angrily. 

"You're dead, Andrel! And you too, Lee! The first thing I'll do when I get out of here is scratch your eyes out with my bares hands!"

"Is it true? Did you set us up?" asked Tulip. 

"I mean, not exactly on purpose, but yeah," said Barnaby. "I'm sorry..."

"Drop dead," said Tulip. 

Barnaby hung his head. 

"What are we going to do now?" asked Diego. "There's got to be a way out of here."

A hoarse voice said, "There is no way out."

The Unknown of the Order (Harry Potter: Hogwarts MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now