The Test

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Pregnant +

I had stared at that word so long it no longer looked like a word. Just a blob of letters that somehow terrified the shit out of me. What does this mean? For me? For Loki? For my career. Where would we live? Could I even go to Asguard? I couldn't make Loki give everything up to come here. Maybe we'd just get our own place here and he'd travel between. I wasn't sure how much effort it was to travel between the two... I started to panic and realized it was Wednesday night. Which meant only a few days until Loki would be here and we would figure everything out. I laid in my bed and tried to focus on the tv until I fell asleep.

When I woke up Thursday morning I realized the team would be leaving this morning and wouldn't be back until Sunday. I quickly got dressed and went to say good luck when I was immediately attacked by a flustered Sam. The rest of the mission team was waiting.

"Y/N! Oh thank god you're awake. You didn't call Fury yet, right? You can't transfer. I need you to stay here. You can't-"

I stopped him right there. "I didn't call Fury." Everyone's eyes looked at me, including Bucky's. "I'm not staying. I just need some time, there's something I have to do first. If that's okay." I turned to look at Tony.

"Of course, kid. You can stay as long as you need. Though, we'd prefer if you didn't leave at all." As Tony spoke, Bucky's eyes dropped to the floor.

"So you'll be here when we get back?" Natasha asked. I nodded and she smiled back. "Good. Then this isn't goodbye." She walked over and kissed me on the cheek. The rest of the team followed and gave me a hug, lots of be safes and miss yous. With only one exception, Bucky was still looking at the ground.

They left and I decided to call the doctor now to schedule an appointment. I scheduled it for next Saturday, so Loki would be here and could come with me. After this Saturday I'm sure everything will be figured out and I will feel so much less stressed about the situation and could enjoy the fact that I was having Loki's baby. I put my hand on my stomach and thought of all the things we've been through. A few months ago, I might have chosen Bucky. If I did that, I wouldn't have this little one growing inside me, I wouldn't have Loki around. I may always love Bucky, but I'm so lucky to have the life I have now. I love Loki, and he'll be the best father. I just couldn't wait to tell him.

Saturday morning came around and I woke up early and waited in the sitting room for him to show up. He never came at the same time, but he'd be here and I wanted to tell him immediately.

Hours passed, no Loki. I began to worry. Did something happen? Did he somehow know before me and this was him leaving me? No. Loki wouldn't. Something had to of happened. Terrified to go to bed and have him show up while I'm asleep, I stayed on the couch that night.

I was woken up by Sam, surrounded by the rest of the team who returned from the mission. As I sat up and realized it was Sunday morning, all I could say was "somethings wrong. Somethings really wrong." I explained to everyone that Loki never showed up. And he never just doesn't show up.

"Kid, we don't exactly live down the street. Cut him a little slack. He'll show up." Tony patted my shoulder and walked away. Everyone followed after him, saying something encouraging, that I just needed to wait. Sam was the only one left in the room. He didn't speak, just sat next to me.

"Something is wrong, Sam. I feel it." I pulled my legs up onto the couch and wrapped my arms around them. Trying to pull myself as tight as possible. Holding myself together.

Days passed and I spent most of the time waiting in the sitting room. Occasionally someone would be there, watching tv or drinking. I would just ignore them and wait.

A week went by and it was Saturday again, I hated that I let my hopes get up so high but I did. I felt everyone around me start to get nervous too, suddenly starting to believe me that something was wrong. I fought with Tony. "What the hell do you mean there's no way?! There has to be a way we can get in touch with them. A signal. Something. Tony, please."

"If there was, I would have done it already, I promise. Bruce and I are trying to think of something but they don't exactly have cell phone towers there."

I felt helpless and hopeless. I just nodded and walked back to my room.

I woke up early that morning and heard a familiar noise. He's here! I ran out to the sitting area and saw only Thor. It finally clicked.

The only reason Loki wouldn't be here... Was if he couldn't.

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