The Deal

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"Y/N?" I heard Sam enter my room. "Oh, bug... I'm coming." I felt him climb into my bed and wrap himself around me. "Talk to me, what do you need? What can I do?"

"I just-jus-just can't be-believe he could-d do this. Or that I care! Wh-why do I care, Sam?" I sobbed. "I'm with Loki...I'm aw-awful."

"You love Bucky. We all know it, Y/N. He knows it. I...I don't really want to say too much here, because that should be for Bucky to explain. But I think you need to let him explain. If you're still mad at him, I promise to attempt to kick his ass." Sam squeezed me tighter and I gave a small chuckle.

"Thank you. I don't know what I'd do without you, seriously." I rolled towards him and buried my head in his chest.

He gently kissed my forehead and began to hum. I slowly drifted off.


After what seemed like hours, Sam slowly emerged from her room, attempting to be as quiet as possible so I can only assume that Y/N was asleep. Everyone had gone to except except for  Loki and I. We jumped up at the sight of him and asked at the same time. "How is she?"

"She's asleep. Bucky, she's going to hear you out. Just give her time. But I did promise to kick your ass if she's still mad so better it good." I grinned back at him and Loki put his head down. Sam turned to him and continued, "She cares for you too. But she needs some time right now. She never disabled the do not disturb so you probably need to find a place to sleep tonight."

"Sleep will be unobtainable tonight, I'm afraid." His eyes looked up to look at Sam. "But thank you, I am glad she has you to lean on. As much as I wish that was me."

Sam nodded and walked back to Y/N's room, I turned to Loki. "So what do we do now?" He didn't respond. "She's going to have to choose-"

He cut me off, "That is a fact I'm well aware off, thank you." He sat back down on the couch. "I have...a suggestion. I am not sure how you'll respond. However, given our situation I ask you keep an open mind." I didn't respond, just gave him a nod to continue. "We both date her."

"What the hell are you talking about?!"

"I mean actually date her. Out to eat, the theatre, I'm sure you get the point. She needs time to make her decision and we owe that to her. I'm sure an arrangement can be made so that we can make this as... simple as possible, for her at least."

I was at a loss for words, what would this mean? Would we switch days? Who would get nights? Would he still be in her room? But this would mean a chance for us, to prove to her, and myself, that we could work. To be out in public with her, see her smile and know I caused it. Her hand in mine. Her head on my shoulder at the movies.

"Okay. I'm in. If that's what she wants. But we need rules."

Loki nodded. "Rules we should discuss with Y/N."

We stood in silence before I walked to my room. I could get a few hours of sleep before she woke up for the day. And I knew I'd sleep better knowing Loki was stuck on the couch. I smirked and thought of our arrangement. I knew I had the advantage of her feelings, but Loki, it turns good. He cares for her and can protect her as well anyone else could. Where as I'm still dangerous.

May the best man win, and I hope with all my being that is me.

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