The Set Up

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There was a knock at the door, I had spent most of my day getting ready for it and yet I still didn't believe it was really going to happen. I was going on a date with Steve. That Bucky set me up for.

I opened my door and smiled, "Hey Steve." He flashed me a toothy smile.

"Hey, back. Wow, you look amazing." I did a little twirl and my dress spun and he laughed.

"Not bad for a last minute set up, right? You look pretty great yourself, Cap. Those for me?" I pointed at the flowers I noticed in his hand.
He handed them out to me and I took them and started to walk back in my room to find a vase. I filled it with my some water and placed it on my nightstand. "They're gorgeous. Daisies are my favorite. How'd you know?"

He chuckled and replied, "A little birdie told me. You ready to go?"

Must've been Sam, he's good at remembering that stuff. "Yep, are we taking your car or mine?"

He held his arm out and I took it. "We're actually going to the park, I couldn't get a last minute reservation anywhere. So I made us up a picnic if that's okay." He grabs a basket that was waiting in the hallway.

That was surprisingly romantic, actually. Most guys would've just rescheduled. "No, that's...sweet actually. Thank you."

We walked out of the tower, waving goodbye to those in the sitting area. Bucky was there, but he said nothing as we left. Sam gave a threatening finger wiggle before yelling after us, "Have her home by 9!"

Once the park he put out a blanket, I laughed noticing it was a Spider-Man blanket. He must've not noticed what he grabbed because he looked down and laughed too. "Oh Peter's gonna love that."

I laughed again and sat down, "We have to send a picture of us with it. Come here." Steve sat next to me and pressed his face against mine as I took the picture and quickly sent it to Peter. I then put my phone on silent and put it in my purse. "So before we continue, I just want to say thank you. I know you're only really doing this because Bucky asked you to keep me from Loki, but-"

He cut me off "That's not true." I raised my eyebrow at him and he continued, "Yes, Bucky set it up. But I'm not uninterested, if I'm being honest, I've been interested in you ever since the first night you got drunk at the tower during karaoke."

Karaoke at Tony's parties were pretty typical. But I was struggling to remember the first time...

"OH MY GOD." It hit me. "You mean when Nat and I danced to Don't Cha and I... Um." Steve nodded and blushed. "Apparently if you want Captain America's attention you just have to get drunk and publicly embarrass yourself by giving a strip tease to the Pussy Cat Dolls. Noted." I could tell how red my face had gotten. I had totally forgotten about that.

"No, it was adorable! And sexy, yes. But I just liked seeing you relax with us for the first time. Being who you are, not just an avenger. The stripping was just a bonus." He flashed a smile at me and I lightly slapped his arm.

"Who knew Captain America was so dirty! Goodness. But not all of us have super soldier alcohol tolerance." I joked. "I don't even remember getting to bed that night."

"Probably because you didn't. You started throwing up, and then passed out on the floor of the bathroom. Buck cleaned you up and carried you to bed." He stated and made eye contact with me.

"So the night was even more embarrassing than I thought." Steve opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off, changing the subject. "So what did you pack for our date? Wine and the PCD CD?"

Steve laughed again, moving the basket to me so I could look.


I kept pacing around my room staring at the clock. Where the hell are they? 9:28PM and they're not back. Steve told me they were having a park picnic, it's pitch black out now, what could they possibly be doing? I sighed.

I walked out of my room towards the sitting area and saw as Steve and Y/N were just walking in. I ran to the couch turned away from them like I had been there the whole time.

"Oh hey, Buck. How was your night?" Steve came up behind me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

I leaned my head back to look at them. "Look it's the love birds. How was your date? Little past 9 isn't it?" Y/N was holding Steve's hand and rolled her eyes at me.

"I'll meet you in my room, Steve, okay? Night Bucky." Y/N walked away. Steve and I both watched as she walked, once she was gone he sighed.

"Buck, this is an awful idea. You know that." And then he followed after her.


I took off my heels and rubbed my feet as I waited for Steve to finish talking with Bucky. There was a knock at my door sooner than I expected. "Come in!"

Steve smiled at me as he walked in. "Want some help?" He offered, pointing at me massaging my feet. I smiled and agreed. He sat down at the bottom of my bed and pulled my legs onto his lap and started massaging. Captain America was really the dream guy, but...

"So, Y/N... I had a really great time tonight." Steve started to say and I could already tell where it was going.

"I had a wonderful time with you as well, Rodgers. But this is where you tell me we're better as friends, isn't it?"

He hesitated. "It's not that you aren't wonderful. And that we wouldn't be wonderful, it's just... complicated. And right now we're uncomplicated and I like that. It just doesn't seem like it would be a fit worth risking this now." He gestured in between us.

I smiled my best reassuring smile. "I agree. It was a very lovely platonic date. And I would gladly do it again. Without the heels this time." He laughed. I was glad our friendship wouldn't be affected by this outing. But rejection always stings, even well meaning. "You got another date tonight? Or would you like to Netflix and chill? And by that I mean actual Netflix and chill."

Steve grinned and stood up. "Absolutely. But let me go change first. Need anything? Snacks?"

"Snacks! And can I borrow a t shirt? My laundry day is tomorrow and I'm out of pajamas."

"You got it. Be right back."

I got the remote set up and put on our favorite binge watching show. Steve came back shortly after with my favorite shirt of his, wearing just pajama pants. He climbed in my bed and I went to my bathroom to change into his shirt.

I came out and did a little spin, like I did in the dress, and Steve chuckled. "Yeah, I think I like the shirt better, personally."

I wiggled my finger at him, "Well that sounds awfully flirty, Captain. Might wanna behave." He chuckled and nodded in agreement and wrapped his arm around me as I laid my head on his chest.  Cuddling while watching tv Steve has definitely made up for some of the downfalls of lacking romantic relationships. At the very least, I had that. Our show played but within one episode I had fallen asleep.

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