Chapter two: Perimeter Fence.

Comenzar desde el principio

After the rather chaotic dinner is over, I take my crouches and ask Peter to take a walk with me. I want to find out more about his journey and I want to try to keep some good spirits between us. I'm a little worried as to what he'll think of my relationship with Cory. I saw him exchange glances with his cousin Michael when I asked Cory to leave. I wasn't exactly sure it was a positive reaction. Despite everything, there are still idiots who will try to beat you up if they don't think you fit into their definition of 'normal' human being should be.

Peter tells me they've been wandering for a long time. The fact that he has made it back makes the world seem smaller. It definitely is smaller than it was years ago when people still insisted on traveling being an essential part of life.

"Thanks for letting us in, man," Peter says as we walk.

"Well, you're all very welcome here," I tell him. "It's always good to see old friends."

"Yeah," Peter agrees.

He takes an interest in our camp and how it's run. I only tell him the basics.

"It's strange how this place looks so much like it used to but then again it doesn't," Peter comments.

I smile and nod.

He looks at me then, puzzled. "What's the deal with Coriander though? Seriously?"

I sigh. "Well, a lot has happened since you left. For one, Cory is one of my best recruits. He can give Jason a run for his money, you know. I can't keep up with them at the moment..."

I don't elaborate on why. That can wait until later.

"... Sometimes I feel a bit shut out despite the fact that Cory and I live together," I add with a chuckle. I also mentally slap myself for that last and very inelegant statement.

Peter catches on quickly. He's not amused. "God, you're not telling me you two are a thing, are you?"

I just try and explain it calmly. "Actually, we are - and have been for the past seven years now." More or less, that is.

Peter's eyes widen. "No way! Really? But we used to push him around and stuff! And you liked girls then... didn't you?"

I shrug. "Maybe. Probably always liked Cory more," I reply.

"Huh," Peter mumbles and we walk in silence for a few minutes. I give him some time to put the pieces together. Then comes more questions about the whole thing. "So you never had a crush on that Sadie girl like Jason always thought? You were looking at Cory?" He actually says my boyfriend's name this time, but it sounds as much as an insult as 'fairy boy' does.

"Yes," I answer, deciding to ignore it. "I'm not ashamed of that, Peter. Cory saved my life. Literally."

This seems to make an impression on Peter and his expression softens. I don't think he understands, though.

"Maybe it's time we found you all a place to stay for the night," I suggest. "You must be tired."

It takes a couple of hours before they are settled in and I arrive home a little later than expected. I open the door quietly. My parents are both out and only Cory is here. His boots are thrown on the floor just inside the door, indicating his irritation has not worn off as he came home. I can only hope it has now.

I climb the stairs and find him sitting on our bed, scowling. Of course, I know why. It's all about Peter and his friends. He's worried. Still, I can't help but find this situation funny. This reminds me of a younger Cory, whom I could easily tackle or carry around in my arms and I chuckle.

"You can wipe that smile right off," Cory warns, pointing a finger at me. He gets to his feet.

I try to suppress it and fail completely. "Cory," I say and snake my arms around him. He continues to glare at me, but doesn't move away from my touch. "Don't worry. It's gonna be fine."

He scoffs, evidently not convinced. "Right. I'll believe that when Peter proves he isn't another Spencer."

I pull him closer. "I don't understand why you're so worried about Peter. If you two ever get in a fight, I have no doubt you will win it."

Cory grimaces and is about to retort, but I kiss him instead, waiting until he stops trying to continue the conversation. I can tell I haven't quenched his worries completely, but after a few moments he stops fighting me and kisses me back. We don't have much time to ourselves these days and I've only recently come to a place where I'm able to show Cory how much I love him. So we both dive into this kiss, letting go for just a moment. Our shirts are thrown on the floor and Cory sighs when my hands begin to travel south...and just then, the front door downstairs gets unlocked. Of course, my mother would chose this time to come home. She yells her 'hello' and I groan in annoyance, my lips still on Cory's neck.

"James?" my mother calls. "Your father needs you!"

I reluctantly pull away from Cory, throwing my head back in exasperation. "Now's a really bad time!" I yell back, but get no reply. So perhaps she's already left again. My mother has become a permanent part of my dad's command at headquarters. She was never home much before, but now she is here almost as rarely as my dad is - which means Cory and I often have the house to ourselves. That is, when we're here at the same time.

Cory groans when I pull away, and throws my t-shirt right in my face, after he gets up from the bed. We both know this request to come in isn't going to be made twice.

"I'm coming with you," Cory promises and I nod, getting my crutches.

We head downstairs together and steal another kiss before we walk out the door.

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