Chapter 13

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3 days later.....

Hayends pov:

It has been three days since I heard and saw my little light of hopes, voice, smile, giggles, and gorgeous chocolate brown eyes. I thought my past would never ruin me aver again, but here I am, another event from my past, almost talk my baby's life.

After all this years, I had my reasons to leave Jules behind, if she thinks it was because I chose to chase my dream to become a business man, over her my source of life, and my reason to live. Well she was wrong I made her it was the reason but it's not.

I had left her because I needed her to be safe, I needed to make sure she was never involve in my illegal business. Not I don't know how to tell about this sick game my old enemies are playing, and what I may have to do.

"Gatina...?" I shake her to wake up. "Hmm...." she hums "Wake up, please at least eat something even just a few bites wont hurt" I tryto convince her, because she had not eaten anything since our dinner date, and it was four nights ago.

Translatete for Gatina... Kitten

Jules pov:

I had been miserable since I found out my Hope was in the hospital, fighting for her life. I have missed her, and Hayed I know he knows something about this. He was not the best hiding with his guilt to me, but only I can read them. I don't blame him though, I know about his little illegal business back then, he didn't know though.

I knew from the start he still had his enemieas, but they never dared go near me or Hope because I had made sure to keep her out of the government system, I used illegal bribes to get her out and back in different country, I made everything about here identity so little, for Mafias to notice.

"Nooo.... I will wait for her first before I shove a life resource in my fucking system, we will die together if she doesn't make it but I will make sure she does make it...." I stated sadistic. " for Hope, how do you think she will feel after her nap, she will feel guilty for tiring her mother, eat for her please... I will do anything" he will regret that "anything" but I take it " Fine, will you rebuild your Mafia business again? I want revenge and justice for making my baby suffer for life!!"

He looked at me in shock, probably because he wondered how I knew about his illegal stuff. "H-how do you know about me being a Mafia?" He ask's in disbelief. "Well.....remember when we were at the Italian restaurant for our date, but you got a call, I may or may not have ever drop" telling him the past event all over again.

Haydens phone rang and he picked it up, not knowing Jules was just right behind him. "What!" He yelled through the phone getting very annoyed for ruining his planned out night. " Cazzo! who told you to fucking leave when it was not your break, now adding to our problem with the Russian, you let one of their assassin in!" Jules flinched at his soon to be husband, she was furious, how he was in a Mafia, she knew he had a job as a security, thats why he had always carried a gun, but she had her suspicions. She immediately returned to her seat, waited for Hayden to return with a frowning face, full with guilt. "Sorry baby but I was called in by the company I work for that the security that was in duty was sick, and could not make it so I have to step in.." I letted him go but, as soon as he entered his car she entered her car and followed right behind him, but unnoticeable for him to see....
Flashback end....

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