hear his heart beat speeding up.

"Why?" He asked.

" What,-"

"Why do you want to know who he is, he is of no importance in your life."

" I know, I just want to know what the pressure is that he has with you.I want to make sure I keep an eye out for him." I replied.

"The pressure I have with that man is of no concern. Why dont we discuss more enjoyable topics." He said grabbing my hand. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Well you can have that discussion with yourself." I said snatching my hand out his and turning torward the window . Jaceon growled in response.

We continued on our drive to the house . I had begun to nod off in the car once we pulled into the garage.

"India we're home."Jaceon said while opening my door and helping me out of the car.

"I'm sleepy." I whined in a baby voice.

"I know that's why we are going to go upstairs and get ready for bed."He led me to the bedroom where we slept the night away.

Come morning time I'm awaken by banging noises. I guilty hop out of bed and head to the door noticing that Jaceon is no where in sight.

As I make my way down the hall way I notice scratch marks across the ground.

"Jaceon...Jaceon...." I call repeatedly. I can here the cries of the children that live in the pack house also.

The sight that unfolds as I round the corner where the living room would usually be is destroyed. There's a gaping hole in the wall that shows the back yard.

What the fuck happened. I began to panic I don't feel the connection with Jaceon. The cries of a child get louder and louder and I come more into the living.

"Sweet heart where are you ? I'm not going to hurt you." The cries quiet down some.

"Sweet heart please I want to make sure your alright l. Come out for you luna , please." I hear little sounds come from the tossed couch. I cautiously make my way toward it.

I see a snout poke out sniffing around. He slowly comes from under the sofa coming face to face with me.

"Come here baby." I say opening my arms and he runs into them whimpering. I hold him tight wanting to comfort him. He began a to make gestures toward the couch so I move closer and look around it and I notice a body. I but the baby dragon down and try to move the couch.

"Are you okay,  hello?" I say while finally lifting the couch enough to see who was underneath. The sight I see nearly brings me to tears. This must of been his mother. He began to whimper loudly behind me. I turn to get him and notice the presence in the room.

It's David.

"What are you doing here?"I say moving my self to block him from having eyes on the baby.

"Why of course to see you my darling." He smiles evily." You've been sleep for quite a while. I would of thought you would woken at the sound of your mates pained cries."

"If you touched him I-" I began angry.

"Darling save your words it's nothing I haven't heard before. Now what I want you to do is pick up the young dragon and make your way to me. "

"You have to be out of your fucking mind. You think I will simply let you take me away and give you the child also."

"Why of course ...because if you don't you'll end up like his mother and I won't make that easy for you. I will gut that child slowly in front of you as you watch him cry out to you for help. We wouldn't want him coming back for vengeance now would we." He said snarkly.

"Your a monster I picked up the baby dragon. Then looked back at my attacker.

"I see you have come to reason."

" yeah and fuck you". I  quickly changed into my dragon and charged out the gaping hole in the  wall. The baby cried in fear of being so high.  As I looked of the land that my mate owned I could see the many dragons that belonged to him fighting against the intruders. I searched for my mate to see him fight 4 other dragons with a bad leg.

I flew down with intentions of helping him. As I finally reached them I placed the baby behind some bushes hiding him from sight.

'India' Jaceon called still fighting.

'Baby I'm gonna help you .'

'No!'You need to find safety' He said back worried about my safety.

'I will once your with me.' I attacked one of the dragons going in to attack Jaceon. We battled and I finally got the upper hand putting me in the position to kill him. I latched onto his throat crushing his wind pipes making breathing impossible.

The Dragon finally stopped fighting. Jaceon and killed one of the three attacking him and I went in attacking another. My stance wasn't stable so the dragon easily threw me off him. I landed on my back harshly which made Jaceon roar viciously. I raised not at ease and attacked the dragon again using my fire defense. I finally was able to over power him and killed him. Jaceon finished off his attacker and we embraced quickly in form. I whimpered seeing him limping to me

'It's alright .'

'But your hurt'.  I cried
There was rustling in the brushes and Jaceon growled causing a child like whimper to sound. I went to walk torward the bush where I hid the child.
Jaceon stopped me ." What are you doing ". He said firmly.

"He's just a baby . His mother died in the attack we have to take care of him." I responded . Jaceon released me and I retrieved the baby  who hurried into my arms.

"He's a strong hatchling. " Jaceon responded coming close and nuzzling the hatchling making him purr  at feeling secure.

' What do we do now ?'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2016 ⏰

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