Baliyo: "Bro! Really? How could I died just by chocking my own saliva? This game sucks!"

He press the start button and his character is coming back to life.

Baliyo: "I'm not gonna touch the controller! Let's see what happens!"

He put it his controller on the floor and he does nothing.

Game character: "Arrgh!"

Baliyo: "Huh!"

Game: *You forgot to breath*

Baliyo: "What? Who the hell create this game!?"

Baliyo press the start button again and changed the setting but if his character dies again, he will not hesistate to throw it on the trash.

Game character: "Arrgh!"

Baliyo: "Again!? Really?"

Game: *You haven't died in a long time*

Baliyo: "That's it, I had enough!"

He take the disc from the playstation and broke it in half.

Baliyo: "How's that feel!? You stupid game!" he yelled at the disc.

Baliyo: "That's the worse game ever!"

His sister walk in to his room.

Rani: "Hi Baliyo, why are you shouting? I can hear your voice from my room."

Baliyo: "Nothing, it's just this game is really sucks."

Rani: "You mean that game?" she point her finger to the broken half disc on the floor.

Baliyo: "Yeah,"

Rani: "I played that game once and it's really terrible."

He says nothing but just nods his head in understandment. She left the room and he plays another PS4 game.

Baliyo: "I hope this game is a lot better."

3 minutes later, he fight on one of his enemy minions.

Baliyo: "Come on, fight him!"

He press the attack button but he seems to lose the fight.

Baliyo: "This is not even good."

He continues to fight and block the attack by pressing the block button but his characters couldn't even block it.

Baliyo: "Come on, quit spamming!"

He try his best to block any incoming attacks but fails.

Baliyo: "That's the only button you know, you only got one move skills?"

When he fights, his enemy push him and he fell to his death.

Baliyo: "What? I only fell two feet! How?"

His character respawns and he chase one of the enemies.

Baliyo: "I'm gonna get this guy."

His character jumps and dies on the same place he dies in the first match.

Baliyo: "Bro! I'm on full health! I'm on full health! How could he die from two feet high!? My health bar is full!"

6 minutes later, his characters does nothing but just standing on the edge and didn't even pause the game, Baliyo was having fun texting his friends about funny stuff.

All of a sudden his character dies again.

Baliyo: "What?" he had no idea what is going on, so he was like

Baliyo: "I can't stand right next to the EDGE!!" he shout.

Baliyo: "I'm gonna break-- I'm gonna break my--" he yelled and about to break his PS4 controller in half but he didn't want to so he just throw his pillow instead of breaking his PS4 controller.

While Baliyo was shouting in anger. Outside of his door room, Rani, Surak and Nirmala heard him shouting and yelling a lot of swear words.

Surak: "Does he always have to be like that?"

Nirmala: "I don't know. What do you think, Rani?"

Rani: "Well, I guess he always like that every game he played are always terrible, the last time he played this once PS4 game, it was so terrible that he have to control his character toes while walking."

Surak and Nirmala nods their heads, they now understand why Baliyo was shouting all of a sudden.

Surak: "Well, if I played a game like that I would probably end up yelling like that too. Once I play one of his game and all of a sudden my character died just by chocking my own saliva."

Nirmala: "I never play a playstation 4 before but I can confirm that game you're talking about is really terrible."

Rani: *Giggles*

They heard Baliyo yelled inside the room and about to step out and calm himself down by getting a fresh air or drink cold icy water.

Baliyo: "That's it! I'm going outside!"

They heard him saying that and all three of them immediately rush and continue their own business and pretends that nobody heard him screaming.

Living room

Baliyo walk downstairs to get some fresh drink, he saw Surak and Nirmala watching a movie, he said something in his mind.

Baliyo: "Apprently they didn't heard me shouting, at least I'm not embarrassed."

He pretends to put on a happy smile after experiencing his awful video games, he went to the kitchen and get some water.


Surak: "Hey, Baliyo."

Baliyo: "Hi, sir."

Surak: "How's your mood?"

Baliyo: "Huh?"

Surak: "I said how's your mood?"

Baliyo: "I'm fine, everything is okay to me." he lied to surak, he knew that it might be embarrasing when they find out about it.

Surak: "You know what, Baliyo."

Baliyo: "What?"

Surak: "I don't even know you got a very high voice."

Baliyo: "What do you mean?"

Rani and Nirmala walk in and they both laughing at him.

Rani: "We all heard you shouting and yelling swear words,"

Baliyo: "Uuhh...."

Nirmala: "It's okay Baliyo, you don't have to be shy."

Baliyo: " could you hear me shouting?"

Surak: "Well, our house it's not that big."

Nirmala: "That's explain a lot!"

All 3 of them laughing at him, Baliyo was about to burst in anger but he think again before he could react and he finds that pretty funny actually. So, he starts to laugh and all 4 of them laughing just like watching a comedy film.

Lion king Familyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें