C-C-C-Combo Breaker!!

Start from the beginning

Dipper gave a skeptical look at the picture of Robbie on the flyers. "Nice mascara." he mocked

"Uh, it's eye-paint for men, I'm only wearing it to make fun of the company" Robbie stammered, trying not to sound defensive.

"What's the company called? Guy-liner?" Dipper asked with snicker.

"No, uh.. I... I mean...?" Robbie blushed in embarrassment, as he began to stumbled over his words.

"Hey Robbie," Wendy said. "Dipper was just showing me this great game."

"Ha, yeah, sweet, sweet," Robbie said. "Hey, how about you sit this one out, okay champ?"

Dipper wanted to tell Robbie to buzz off, he had been hanging with Wendy first, but he restrained himself. Robbie was still Wendy's friend, and she'd clearly gotten over his lack of manners at the Mystery Shack Fair. 

As much as Dipper couldn't stand the overly edgy boy, he didn't want to come off as an even bigger jerk and run the risk of losing Wendy as a friend, just because of some petty words.

Dipper wordlessly stepped aside and gestured for Robbie to go ahead. Wendy gave Dipper an appreciative nod for not starting anything, and turned back to the game to play with Robbie.

"Round Three!" the deep voiced announcer declared. "Fight!"

"So hey," Wendy said as she mashed buttons, attacking with all she had. "I'm gonna go camping tomorrow with my dad, so I won't be around."

" Yea, that's cool." Robbie said with a nod, mashing his own set of buttons. "Watch out!"

The two focused on their match, but Dipper didn't miss the hateful glare Robbie shot over his shoulder at him. Dipper personally, wasn't one to hold grudges for very long, he'd gotten over the whole "bed time for you baby's" and the Gravity falls fair thing. He'd even considered trying to become friends with the tight skinny jean wearing, pinocchio nose having, wannabe bad boy, edgelord.

But as it seemed, Robbie wasn't over the whole punch directed at him. The teenager seemed to hate Dipper. Not that Dipper cared, many people had hated him in his school, in fact Dipper was sure he and Mabel had the whole school against them, along with most of the faculty. 

Dipper quickly got bored watching the duo play the game, and with a quick "bye" to Wendy he headed home.





The Next Day





"King me peasants!" Mabel said, showing her two King cards.

Many angry grunts and groans came from around the table Dipper, Stan, and Soos, each placed their own cards on the table, reluctantly accepting their loss.

"It's not fair!" Stan shouted, upset about losing. "She doesn't even know what we're playing!"

"Go Fish?" Mabel guessed.

As Stan gathered up the cards to reshuffle. then suddenly, the four winced and held their ears in pain as they heard an out of tone, electric guitar screech to life outside.

"Dudes," Soos' started, "I think I'm picking up a radio station inside my head."

"Weeendy!" a voice sang terribly from outside the Shack.

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