Down To Carnival Town Pt 1

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Have you ever been to one of those low-budget carnivals? The kind put on by well meaning but horrendously unqualified parents, school officials, etc? The kind that were just underwhelming enough to look charming, but be completely boring to anyone under the age of four? Yeah, the Mystery Shack Fair was like that, but with 300% more tetanus.

Still, a fair was a fair, and Mabel wasn't one to complain. The rides, the activities, the prizes, the terrible food. It was all the kind of thing she lived for. She was going to have a great time. She just needed to remember not to touch anything metal.

"There she is, Mabel," Stan said as the two surveyed the fairground. "The cheapest fair money can rent. I spared almost every expense."

Suddenly, one of the carriers for the sky lift crashed down next to the two.

"... I think the sky tram is broken..." Dipper said, poking his head out of the carrier. "... Also, most of my bones..."

Stan laughed. "This guy. Alright, alright. I've got a job for you two. I printed up a bunch of fake safety inspection certificates. Go slap one on anything that looks like a lawsuit."

Mabel and Dipper eyed the papers they were handed.

"Grunkle Stan, is that legal?" Mabel asked.

"When there's no cops around, anything's legal!" Stan responded with a grin.

Dipper sighed. ' Yeah, that's pretty much what I expected. '

"Soos!" Stan called as he approached the handyman. "How's that dunk tank coming along?"

"Almost ready to go, Mr. Pines," Soos said as he finished blowtorching part of the tank.

Stan gave the target an experimental knock, and smiled when he saw the seat barely move.

"Ha, you've got it rigged from here to Timbuktu!" Stan exclaimed. "There's nothing on Earth that could knock me down!"

"Yeah," Soos agreed, "except for like, a futuristic laser arm cannon."

"Hey, you haven't seen my red screwdriver, have ya?" Stan asked as he began digging through a toolbox. "Darn thing went missing."

"Maybe some magical creature or paranormal thing-um took it," Soos suggested.

"Oi!" Stan groaned. "You've been spending too much time with those kids. Alright, let's see, where'd I put that thing...?"

The two adults were so busy making last second preparations, that neither noticed a bald man using a certain missing screwdriver to tweak his watch. Or that doing so caused his jumpsuit to camouflage with his surroundings.

Much later...

"It's 12 o' clock!" Stan announced through a screeching megaphone. "The Dunk Tank is now open!"

The various tourists gathered covered their ears at the obnoxious sound, glaring at the old man sitting in the dunk tank.

"Step right up and dunk me, folks!" Stan told the gathered crowd. "I'm talking to you, Cut-offs! That's right! Muffin-Top, High-Pants! Who wants a piece of me?"

Several of the frustrated customers tried dunking the old man, but even when one of them actually managed to hit the target, Stan's seat didn't drop.

"Ahahahaha!" Stan laughed maniacally. "Come back anytime, folks! Ahahahaha!"

Dipper cast a glance at his grunkle, rolling his eyes. ' He's having WAY too much fun with that. '

But the boy's face lightened up a bit when he heard soft snickering next to him. It seemed Wendy also thought the rigged dunk tank was a riot.

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