Double Down Dipper's pt 1

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Dipper relaxed on the couch in Mystery Shack, flipping through the Journal. He'd added a section on the Manotaurs, as well as the ghosts from the convenience store. He'd actually looked into the events that surrounded their deaths after the whole incident. Turns out they died from heart attacks caused by the shock of constant exposure to new teen rap music. 

Dipper couldn't decide if that was total nonsense, or the most realistic thing he'd heard since coming to Gravity Falls. Though much to his dismay, it didn't seem that the event had any ulterior causes or motives by any other force of evil. Ergo, no connection to the Author. It was a very slim chance on a lead in the first place, but it was still the only potential lead he'd had to finding the Author or the one who was after them. Back to square one again.

Dipper was also told that he had to dress sharp today, the mystery shack was having a great big party. which the whole town was invited (even some of the rich parts of the town) but this wasn't just about having a good time, and if you ever got to know Stan you'd know that this was just him tryna to make a few extra bucks

Dipper tucked the Journal away as Stan, Soos, and Wendy entered the cleared out room with various party supplies. They were all in the middle of redecorating the Shack, turning it into a sort of dance club party area. Dipper would've been really excited at the prospect of a party, if he actually cared . A whole bunch of random strangers together in an enclosed area spasming to terrible pop songs/rock songs? Yeah, count him out, he was a introvert who didn't have many friends.

 Still, it was the exact kind of thing Mabel would love, she loved making new friends. So he figured that he could tolerate the obnoxiously loud affair if it meant she got to have a good time and got to meet new friends. As long as he didn't have to be anywhere near it.

He also figured, since he didn't like pop songs he would put his headphones in once the music started, and listen to his own music. good plan right?.

"Oh no, Dipper!" Mabel said as she approached her brother, holding something behind her back. "I-I don't feel so good! I think I'm gonna-BBBBLLLAAAAGGHH!"

Dipper gave his sister his usually blank, unamused stare as she held a can of silly string next to her face and sprayed it on him.

"Hahaha, barfing," Mabel giggled.

"You're a never-ending comedy mine, Mabel," the boy deadpanned with almost monotone voice.

"Guys, guys, stop!" Wendy cried frantically as she ran up to the two. "Something terrible just happened!"

Dipper and Mabel each stopped their tracks and stared at Wendy, wondering what supernatural weirdo they'd need to beat down today.

"BBBBLLLAAAA!" Wendy exclaimed as she pulled her own can of silly string out and sprayed it all over the twins.

Dipper couldn't help but laugh, this was a funny bunch. There was never a dull moment in this family. Wendy and Mabel laughed as they sprayed each other all over 

"Alright, alright!" Stan groused as he swiped the silly string sprayers. "Party supplies are now off-limits."

Mabel went to get a cola and came back.

"Mr. Pines, whose birthday is it again? I didn't even buy a present yet" Soos started to panic as he set down a box.

" Don't worry Soos, it's nobody's birthday" Stan explained as he set up a Pin-The-Tail-On-The-Donkey game ( I hated that game). "Thought this party might be a good way to get kids to spend money at the Shack."

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